Bibliografi 2
Danska, Norska, Svenska, Finska och Engelska böcker.
Danish, norwegian, swedish, finnish and english books.
Updated 22 september, 2024 Ny bog Prin Aage 2024
Danska böcker:
Adolph Wilhelm Dinesen (1807-1876)
Abd-el-kader og Forholdene mellem Franskmænd og Arabere i det nordlige Afrika.
C.A. Reitzel, København 1840.
Ny udgave: Forlaget Vandkunsten, København 2006
Daniel Bruun (1856-1931):
Algier og Sahara. Billeder fra nomade- og krigerlivet.
Kjøbenhavn Gyldendal 1893
Erwin Rosen
I den franske Fremmedlegion
Harck 1916
Andreas Winding
Ærens land. Frankrig 1915-16
København: V. Pios Boghandel,( Povl Branner), 1916
Harald Nielsen (1879-1957):
Danske Soldaterbreve.
Gyldendalske Boghandel 1917
Hans Paasche (1881-1920) /Thorkil Barfod :
Fremmedlegionær Kirsch:
En eventyrlig Rejse fra Kamerun til de tyske Skyttegrave i Krigsaaret 1914-15
København : Nordiske Forfatteres Forlag, 1917
Johannes Ravn-Jonsen
Danske frivillige i Verdenskrigen: Soldaterbreve fra Fronterne. Med breve fra 23 soldater. Om især frivillige i den engelske og franske hær.
København: E. Jespersens Forlag, 1917. E-book 2012
Arne Stevns
Legionærer (Noveller) Recension i Arbeidet 1925.09.24
Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag 1925
I A R Wylie (Ida Alexa Ross); Agnete Greibe
Fata Morgana. En Roman fra Fremmedlegionen
Gyldendal, 1925
Tinsoldaten (C.W.D. Blankensteiner)
I Fremmedlegionens Fodspor.
V. Pios Boghandel København 1926
Daniel Bruun
Ungdomsfærd. Rundt Kap Gode Håb. Feltliv i Sahara.
Erindringer og dagbogsskitser. 208 sid.
Gyldendal 1926
Percival Christopher Wren
Den sorte Kokarde
Gyldendal, 1926
Skrifola, 1961 Series: Lommeromanen. R 153.
Prins Aage (1887-1940):
Tre aars kampe i fremmedlegionen.
Gyldendalske Boghandel - Nordisk Forlag 1927.
Ebog Lindhardt og Ringhof 2019
Legionær - Skæbner i Fremmedlegionen
Berlingske Forlag 1936.
Ebog Lindhardt og Ringhof 2019
Percival Christopher Wren
Under Emirens Banner
Gyldendal, 1929
Ernst Löhndorff
Afrika græder
Jespersen og Pio 1930
Aksel L Jensen
To Aar i Fremmedlegionen og Flugten derfra:
en gribende skildring om livet, som det leves i fransk Marokko
Aarhus, 1932 (8 sider)
G. Nielsen
5 Aar i den franske Fremmedlegion i Marokko. (Kun 4 sid.)
Percival Christopher Wren
Amazone : den kvindelige engelske Legionær "Mary Ambree"s Erindringer
Kbh.: Hasselbalch, 1932
Aage Krarup Nielsen (1891-1972):
Helvedet hinsides havet. En straffefanges optegnelser fra Guyana
Gyldendal 1933, 1937, 1944, 1949.
Percival Christopher Wren
Rænker i ørkenen
Hasselbalch, 1934.
Svend R. Christensen (1909-1991):
Sahara - Narvik - Brest
Westermann 1942, Stjernebøgerne, 1964
Marcel Jean Marie Joseph Torris
Landgangen ved Narvik.
København, P. Branner, 1943.
Af ukendt (H. Fr. Finnich. Ansv. red.)
Dansk Legionær Nr. 1-3
<Centralforlaget 1944
Hans Habe (1911-1977):
Falde Tusinde ved din Side
Povl Branners Forlag 1945
Jack Hansen
Helvede tur-retur. Legionær i Indokina.
Vendelkær 1954. Sfv 1966
W.E. Johns
Biggles i Fremmedlegionen.
Grafisk Forlag 1955. 1967
E-Bog. Lindhardt og Ringhof 2018
Lindhardt og Ringhof 2018
Paul Grauwin
Blod, sved og tårer (Dien-Bien-Phu)
Skandinavisk Bogforlag Odense, 1956.
Aage Erhard Hansen
Og månen lyste.
Hagerup 1957
Wagn S. Dantoft
Fremmedlegionær 75496.
Hasselbalch 1961
Percival Christopher Wren
Ørkenens kurér
Series: Lommeromanen, 171
Skrifola, 1961
Alice Foxvig
Du min søn.
Spektrum 1964
Henry Jaeger
Ar (Rebellion der Verlorenen)
Grafisk Forlag 1965
Ole Baltzersen
Soldater uden fædreland.
Vinten 1966
Kelman Frost
Ørkenhingsten (Stallion of the desert)
Chr. Erichsen 1969
Arvid Hansen
Vietnams blodige maske.
Ampel, 1970
Bogan 1978
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzan og "Fremmedlegionen"
Williams, 1974.
eBog. SAGA Egmont 2019
Christian Ebbesen/Ole Baltzersen
Fremmedlegionen - den spændende og sandfærdige beretning om verdens skrappeste kampenhed.
Samleren 1976, Bogan 1997, Peter Asschenfeldts nye Forlag 1998
Audiobook on Cassette: Kbh.: Danmarks Blindebibliotek, 1994
Herman Stilling
En dreng ved navn Herman
Stilling skriver i sin erindringsbog om sin far fra Fremmedlegionen.
Lindhardt og Ringhof, 1984
Kai Kiær-Andersen (1886-1984):
En dansk fremmedlegionærs oplevelser 1911-1920.
Udgivet og kommenteret af Johs. Nielsen og Kjeld Birket-Smith.
Odense Universitetsforlag 1985
Dorte Marie Lunn Bredsdorff
Fremmedlegionen idag: har den en fremtid?
Handelshøjskolen i København. Institut for Fransk.
Kandidatafhandling. 22 sid.
København, 1985
Svend R. Christensen (1909-1991):
Hvilken smuk morgen: noveller fra fremmedlegionen.
Ørnen 1991
Claes Johansen
Violinens historie
Gyldendal 1991
Friedrich Glauser
Legionæren. Die Fieberkurve 1937.
Artia, 1992
E-book Lindhardt og Ringhof 2017
Studers første sag : noveller. Wachtmeister Studers erste Fälle.
Artia, 1992
Carl Engholm (1913-2003):
Fremmedlegionær og dansk oberst - Carl Engholms erindringer i krig og fred 1913-1979.
Dansk Historisk Håndbogsforlag 1996
Peter Hovmand (1974-):
Til det yderste - rekrut i Fremmedlegionen.
Aschehoug 1998
eAudiobook: Lindhardt og Ringhof 2011
Jan René Westh
Danske frivillige i Frankrig 1914-1918.
Biografier over danske frivillige i Frankrig under 1. verdenskrig: legionærer, sygeplejersker og læger. Beskrivelse af franske dekorationer, tildelt danske frivillige. Omtale af organisationer, som de frivillige stod i. Oversigt over mindesmærker for faldne.
Ordenhistorisk Forlag 1998
Tove Nielsen (1941-2009):
Frygt og Mod. - kæmp eller giv op - Interviews med 10 mænd om skelsættende begivenheder i deres liv.
Forlaget Prudentia 1999
Susan Travers
Mit liv i fremmedlegionen.
Lademann 2001, 2002
Lydbog Audioteket, 2002
Sjak Svendstorp
Bag fjendens linier: fire år i fremmedlegionen.
MeMeMedia 2002, 2007
Lydbog: Audioteket, 2008. Indtalt af Paul Becker
Jan Peter Brettschneider (1966 -)/Jens Vilstrup
Bodyguard - om forfatterens liv ved Fremmedlegionen og som bodyguard for Popgruppen Aqua.
People´s Press 2003, 2006
Leif Rudi Ernst
Skurk i Danmark. Helt i Amerika, Marshal Chris Madsens skjulte fortid.
Eget forlag v/ Poul Straarup 2003
Peter Hovmand (1974-):
Soldatens dans. Filosofisk roman.
Forum 2003
Dines Bogø
Likvidering eller selvmord? - Carl Louis Mogensen 1895-1946.
Forlag Din Bog 2004
Bo Nake
Springtur til Afrika - Ernst Jüngers: 'Afrikanische Spiele'
Plys 18. Årbog for børne- og ungdomslitteratur.
Plys 2004
David Jordan
Fremmedlegionen. Fra 1831 til i dag.
Aschehoug, 2005.
Braille book Kbh. Nota 2009
Tony Sloane
Soldat i fremmedlegionen. En sand beretning fra den franske Fremmedlegion.
Schønberg, 2005
Arne Jensen
Landsknægt i Légion Étrangère - Fem år i Fremmedlegionen.
Ådalen 2006
Peter Ernstved Rasmussen
Soldat for Danmark - Oversergent Jakob Birger Hansen.
Aschehoug 2006, 2007
Kent Hansen (1973-):
En legionærs bekendelser.
TV2 2008
Brian Lange (1964-)/Kasper Søegaard
Legionæren - dansker i Fremmedlegionen gennem 15 år.
Radius 2008
eAudiobook: Lindhardt og Ringhof 2016
Peter Englund; Claus Bratt Østergaard
Kampens skønhed og gru: første verdenskrig i 212 korte kapitler
København: Tiderne Skifter, 2009
Anne Lützhöft
Barndommens åg - Légion étrangère.
Mellemgaard 2010
Holger V Müller
Dagbog fra en menig soldat i Fremmedlegionen 1898-1901
Sidelinjen, 2011
Thomas Clemen
Langs smertegrænsen (fiction)
Modtryk 2012
Jørgen Misser (1941-)
Historien om drengen der havde rotter på loftet. Roman inspireret af vilkårene i et levet liv.
Forlaget Dan 2013
Hanne Mølby Henriksen
De danske legionærer. Ære og troskab i Fremmedlegionen.
Gyldendal 2013 E-bog 2013
Braille book. Kbh.: Nota, 2014
Godefroy Antoine Hoffmann
Med Fremmedlegionen i Verdenskrigen.
En dansk soldats dagbog fra hans deltagelse i Første Verdenskrig på fransk side.
ArtPeople/Berlingske 2014
eAudiobook Berlingske 2018
Hans Burchardt
Guy de Cros Péronard: den danske fremmedlegionær,
der faldt som højt dekoreret fransk officer, januar 1941 i Cambodia.
Privattryk.Ill. 47 sid.
Korsør (Hans Burchardt), 2015
Jesper Hirtsgaard
Rekrut i den franske fremmedlegion
Books on Demand 2015
Morten Bang Larsen & Rene Larsen
En lillefinger for Frankrig
Books on demand 2015
Red. (Om Jens Ipsen)
Historisk årbog for Rødding-egnen. Side 97-119
Rødding Lokalhistoriske Forening 2015
Svenn Preben Wilsleff
Farvel til Fremmedlegionen
Forlaget Underskoven [eBook, Sælges på internettet], 2016
Synes at være den samme bog som Flugten fra Fremmedlegionen
Jacob Wilsleff/Svenn Preben Wilsleff
Flugten fra Fremmedlegionen. Hvorledes jeg fandt EL-Kasabia 1898
Forlaget Underskoven 2016

Kåre Bluitgen
Straffefangen - flugten fra helvede
AbcIndbinding 2017 (ABCs lette fagbøger)
Claes Johansen
Drengen og færgemanden
Turbine 2017
Jan René Westh
Under Trikoloren - Danskere i fransk krigstjeneste 1914-1918.
Fremmedlegionen 1914-1918 ; Danskere i fransk krigstjeneste ; Franske dekorationer tildelt danskere for indsats 1914-1918 ; Den danske koloni i Paris ; De Allieredes Danske Vaabenfæller ; Dannebrog i Musée de l'Armée ; Monumentet for faldne danske legionærer i Rueil-Malmaison ; Marselisborg Mindepark
Ordenhistorisk Forlag 2018
Thomas Scheffler
Die SPD und der Algerienkrieg 1954-1962
e-Book. Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin, 2021
Peter Hovmand
Fortællinger fra Fremmedlegionen : noveller
Patagonien, [Græsted], 2022

Jan René Westh / Eric Lerdrup Bourgois,
Aage Prins, garder, legionær
Syddansk Universitetsforlag. 2024

Norska böcker
Carl Johan Anker
Nordmænd i udenlandske Krige efter 1814. 1
Kristiania : Steen, 1888
Nordmænd i udenlandske Krige efter 1814. Række 2
Kristiania : Steen, 1889
A.E.W. Mason
Christiania, 1905
Freddy Bernhoft
Fata morgana: oplevelser i den franske fremmedlegion.
Kristiania, 1911
Livet i Dødsbataljonen
Nasjonalforlaget. Oslo 1934.
Fremmedlegionen i Nord-Afrika?
Kooperatøren, Desember 1942
Av innhaldet: Et juletokt med fremmedlegionen av Freddy Bernhoft.
Henrik Angell (1861-1922):
For Frankrigs ret og ære. Fra den franske front.
Kristiania (1918)
Frankrikes søner i vaapn og strid.
Aschehoug 1918.
Nordmænd i Fremmedlegionen. Vol. 11, sid 304-306.
Nordmanns-forbundets tidsskrift. 1914-18.
C.N & A.M. Williamson
Min Soldat.
Pios Kronebibliotek 1919
Percival Christopher Wren
Ørkenens kurer
Gyldendalske Bokhamdel 1928
Ejlert Bjerke
Het jord. Novelle: Fremmedlegionens løve.
Fortellingen om en norskfødt fremmedlegionær som under verdenskrigen blev regnet for å være usårlig.
Fabritius & Sønner, Oslo 1931
Aage Krarup Nielsen
Helvetet hinsides havet : en straffanges opptegnelser fra Guyana
Oslo : Gyldendal, 1939
Sture Ronnö
Vi som inntok Narvik. En svensk virkelighetsskildring.
Atlantic Forlag Oslo 1943
Theodor Broch (1904-1998):
Fjellene venter. (Narvik 1940)
Gyldendal 1946
Ole A. Dovre
Det hendte i Marokko : en nordmanns opplevelser i fremmedlegionen.
Oslo : Hȧndverkstrykkeriet 1945.
John Robb
Desertørene fra fremmedlegionen
Oslo : Romanforlaget 1952
Arthur Koestler
Den usynlige skrift
Gyldendal 1954
Ensio Tiira
Døden følger flåten.
Stavanger : Stabenfeldt, 1954
Anmeldelse i Abeiderbladet
Philippe de Pirey
Kamerat i helvete
Oslo : Tiden, 1955
Bernt Balchen
Kom nord med meg. Självbiografi.
Oslo. Gyldendal 1958
Fremmedlegion-serien 1959-60
Ingar Weyer Tveitan Forlag, Oslo.
12 utgivelser nummerert 1-12 1959.
I tillegg nummer 13-24 utgitt i 1960.
Jack Hansen
Helvete tur-retur : legionær i Vietnam
Oslo: Scala, 1966
Finn Bjørnseth
Hans eksellense hadde tre søner.
Gyldendal 1969
Øystein Molstad-Andresen
Turbillett til helvete.
Gyldendal, 1974
Jan Bjørkelund
Legionen er vårt fedreland. En norsk fremmedlegionærs beretning.
Huitfeldt 1981
Steinar Brauteset
I kamp om Narvik 1940
J. W. Cappelens Forlag A.S. 1987
Frank Berg
Byoriginaler og andre kjentfolk i Moss
(Oscar ”Fesa” Johansen)
Valdisholm forlag 1991
Øystein Paulsen
Fremmedlegionen. Mine fem år som legionær.
Orion 1996
Roy Andersen
Henrik Angell - en nordmann på tvers.
Aschehoug og Forum 2000
Henrik Hovland
Cappelen 2001
Karl Jakob Skarstein
Under fremmede flagg. Nordmen i utenlandske krigstjeneste 1800-1900
Forsvarsmuseets småskrift nr 30
Forsvarsmuseet-Oslo 2002
Elisabeth Nord
Min bror: Fremmedlegionen - drøm og brutal virkelighet.
Schibsted 2008
Peter Englund; Per Qvale
Krigens skjønnhet og sorg: første verdenskrig i 213 korte kapitler
Cappelen Damm, 2011.
Geir Brenden/Tommy Natedal/Knut Flovik Thoresen
Norske offiserer i Waffen-SS (Olav Jøntvedt)
Historie & kultur 2012
Nik Brandal, Eirik Brazier, Ola Teige
De ukjente krigerne. Nordmenn i første verdenskrig.
Humanist Forlag 2014
Verdals historielags skrifter 46 årbok 2015
Kapitel om Sigurd Gotaas, første verdenskrig
Verdal 2015
Sarita Mandanna
Håpets vei (Første verdenskrig)
Oslo Juritzen 2017
Knut Flovik Thoresen
Nordmenn I Fremmedlegionen
Forlaget Historie & Kultur AS (August) 2017
Artikel i Akersposten 2017-08-22
Hva vet du om denne karen?
Artikel i Akersposten 2018-01-04
Med hard disiplin under brennende sol. Noen hadde kjærlighetssorg, andre økonomiske problemer, atter andre var fulle av eventyrlyst. Rundt tusen nordmenn har vært å finne i Fremmedlegionens rekker.
Knut Flovik Thoresen
Nordmenn i krig 1850-2019
Forlaget Historie & Kultur AS 2019
Denne boken forteller om ulike konflikter og om mange nordmenn som med ulik begrunnelse på vegne av andre enn den norske staten, har valgt å delta i konfliktene. Idealisme, eventyrlyst, skjebnens spill og penger har vært de medvirkende årsakene. Flere av disse møtte døden på slagmarken i et fremmed land. Andre overlevde og fikk et normalt liv etterpå. Bli med til slagmarkene under første og andre verdenskrig, til Afrika, Sør-Amerika, Koreakrigen, Vietnamkrigen, Balkan og Midt-Østen.
Knut Flovik Thoresen
Narvik 1940
Fremmedlegionen i kamp for norge
Historie Kultur 2020
Den franske Fremmedlegionen hadde en avgjørende rolle under slaget om Narvik i 1940 - det første slaget under den andre verdenskrig som Hitler-Tyskland tapte. Fremmedlegionens soldater, som var profesjonelle krigere og tøffe karer, kjempet sammen med norske, britiske og polske styrker og franske alpejegere. Fremmedlegionen kom rett fra Saharas brennende sol til et mye kaldere klima i Nord-Norge. Selv britenes statsminister Winston Churchill roste Fremmedlegionens innsats ved Narvik. I denne boken forteller historiker Knut Flovik Thoresen - som er født i Narvik - for første gang hele historien om Fremmedlegionens innsats under de voldsomme kampene ved Narvik for 80 år siden - der rundt 8 000 soldater ble drept.
Svenska böcker
Fakta och fiktion på svenska som helt eller delvis berör Franska främlingslegionen. Utförligare information om böckerna finns inne på sidorna.
Sir John Hay Drummond Hay (1816 -1893)
*Teckningar af Barbariet och mohrerne.
Jemte ett tillägg: En soldats öden i Afrika.
(Bibi. för barn och ungdom. Hierta, L. J. (1850)
Tillägget är en sann tilldragelse gjord öfver lifvet i Fransyska Främlingslegionen i Algerien enligt notis i Aftonbladet 1852-12-22
2 volymer.
Anteckningar af och om öfverste C. G. T. Westée.
P. A. Norstedt & Söners förlag, Stockholm, 1873. I boken finns dels hans egna krigsminnen, på franska, och dels en kortare levnadsteckning på svenska av vännen Peter von Möller.
Funcke Otto Julius
Osminkade sanningar om kristligt lefverne.
Bl.a. om Franska främlingslegionen.
Norman 1902
Edvard Roland Stjernström:
I franska främlingslegionen I-II. Minnen af en svensk legionär.
C & E Gernandts förlag 1901/Wahlström & Widstrand 1903.
Bagateller och paralleller. Biobilder från Paris och annorstädes.
Framtiden 1916
Felix Jungell:
*Färder och irrfärder. Minnen från ett äfventyrarlif.
Helsingfors 1909.
(Kan innehålla kapitel om legionen på Madagaskar under 1890-talet)
Gunnar Cederschiöld:
Krig och hem. Karaktärer, interiörer och äventyr från Frankrike och England.
C. W. K. Gleerups förlag, 1916.
Hans Paasche:
Legionären Kirsch. Huru en tysk-afrikan tog sig till fronten. (Fremdenlegionär Kirsch - Eine abenteuerliche Fahrt von Kamerun in die deutschen Schützengräben in den Kriegsjahren 1914/15. 1916)
Hugo Gebers Förlag 1916
Erwin Rosen:
I franska främlingslegionen. Minnen och intryck. (In der Fremdenlegion Erinnerungen und Eindrücke. R. Lutz 1909)
Wahlström & Widstrand, *1915, *1916. Bokförlaget Ardor 1936
Anna Levertin:
*På nära håll. Minnen från det stridande Frankrike.
P. A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag. 1917.
Elow Nilson:
Ur en stupads dagbok: Svenska hjältar vid fronten.
Åhlén & Åkerlund 1917
Hugo Wachtmeister
*På jakt efter solen. Reseminnen.
Alb. Bonniers Boktryckeri, 1917.
Torsten Nilsson:
Främlingslegionär i tre och ett halvt år.
Förlagsaktiebolaget Västra Sverige, Göteborg 1922
Thorsten Orre:
*Skisser från öknen.
Wahlström & Widstrand 1922.
*Strövtåg i hjärtat av Sahara. Nya skisser från öknen.
Wahlström & Widstrand 1924
*Strövtåg och rövarjakter i Sahara.
Wahlström & Widstrand 1926
Thorsten Orre tillhörde franska armén, men lite om legionen finns i boken från 1926.
Ouida. Marie-Louise de la Ramée (1839-1908)
Under skilda fanor
Holmquists Boktryckeris Förlag 1923
Film Under two flags 1912, 1916, 1922 and 1936.
F.U. Wrangel:
*Minnen från konstnärskretsarna och författarvärlden. Norstedts. 1925
Maths Holmström:
Det kalla landet med den heta solen. Minnen från Marocko. Åhlén & Åkerlund 1926.
Percival Christopher Wren:
*BEAU GESTE eller "Blå vattnets" mystiska försvinnande. (Beau Geste 1924)
Bonniers, 1926. (Pistolserien)
*Sir Montagues frestelse. (The wages of virtue 1916)
Wahlström & Widstrand. 1926. (W. & W:s stjärnbok.)
Ökenfortets hemlighet. Öden i främlingslegionen. (Beau Geste 1924)
Allhem 1937, 1939
Frederic Martyn:
*Berättelser ur Äventyrens Värld.
Holmquists Boktryckeris Förlag, 1927.
Kapitel: F. Martyn "Franska främlingslegionen"
Gösta Moberg:
Rädslans land. Sexton tusen kilometer genom Sahara och Sudan.
Bonniers 1927
Bertel Kurtén:
Fem år i främlingslegionen.
Gebers 1928.
Söderströms Förlagsaktiebolag Helsingfors 1928
Svenskt militärhistoriskt biblioteks förlag. 2016
Widar Swahn:
Marschera eller dö. En svensk i franska främlingslegionen.
Wahlström & Widstrand 1928, Lindqvist 1941, 1942 och 1946.
John Harvey:
*Med främlingslegionen i Syrien. Översättning av Helge Dahl. (With the Foreign Legion in Syria 1928)
Ahlström & Nordberg 1931
Under Pseudonymen, Ex-legionär 1384: *Arabpatrullen. (The Arab patrol 1935)
Skoglunds Förlag 1936
Bertil Hult:
*Genom äventyrens land. Ensam över Saharas öknar på motorcykel.
A. Bonniers. 1931.
John Knittel (1891-1970)
Abd-El Kader. Roman från de marockanska bergen. (Midnight People 1930)
Lars Hökerbergs Förlag 1932.
Erik Söderqvist:
Med döden för ögonen. En svensks upplevelser i franska främlingslegionen.
Hökerbergs 1932. Biblioteksbok!
Edgar P. Andersson:
40° resfeber. Äventyr i krig och fred bland svarta och vita.
Bonniers 1933, 1938
Fångar i öknens inferno. Ett år i främlingslegionens straffängelse.
Bonniers 1934
Eva Dickson
En Eva i Sahara. Äventyr och upplevelser under heta zoner. ( Med ett kapitel om Garnisonen i Reggane, Algeriet)
Bonniers 1933
Digitaliserad vid Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek GUPEA
Aage Krarup Nielsen:
Helvetet bortom havet. (Helvedet hinsides havet 1933)
Bonniers *1933, 1942.
Francis Arthur Waterhouse:
Öknens legion. Kärlek och äventyr. (Oasis 1932)
Fahlcrantz *1933. Wahlströms 1946.
K. E. Vide:
Förlorade söner. Äventyr i främlingslegionen.
Wahlström & Widstrand 1933.
Richard Halliburton:
Den flygande mattan. (The Flying Carpet 1932)
Holger Schildts Förlag Stockholm 1934.
John Knittel
*Två och en tredje. (Der Commandant 1933)
Lars Hökerbergs Bokförlag 1934.
Rosita Forbes
Kvinnor som kallas vilda. (Women called wild 1935)
Fahlcrantz bokförlag 1935.
Axel Kerfve:
I främlingslegionens våld. En svensk pojkes äventyr i främlingslegionen.
B. Wahlström. 1936.
Flykten från främlingslegionen.
B. Wahlström. 1942
Raoul Lamonte, pseud.
Allah cries for blood. A romance of love and adventure in the French Foreign Legion.
Sampson Low & Co, London 1936, 1937
Prins Aage (1887-1940)
Legionär. Öden i främlingslegionen. (Legionær, Skæbner i Fremmedlegionen 1936)
Söderströms & Co Helsingfors 1937
Wahlström & Widstrand 1937
C.N & A.M. Williamson:
Legionsoldaten. Ökenroman. (A Soldier of the Legion 1914)
Wahlströms Bokförlag 1917
Serie: Blå biblioteket.
Wahlströms Bokförlag 1938
A. E. W. Mason:
Flyktingen. (The Truants 1904)
Saxon & Lindström 1939.
Wilhelm Boberg:
Legionären: Skildring av en svensk, som hemkommit från Franska främlingslegionen efter 6 års tjänst 30 sid.
Södertälje tryckcentral, 1939. Kopia från Uppsala universitetsbibliotek.
Gösta V. Jönsson
Fem år under främlingslegionens fana.
Författarens Förlag, Lund 1939.
Jenö̋ Rejtö̋:
Legionärens brud. Nr 44.
Göteborg, Romanförlaget 1941
Theodor Broch (1904-1998)
Fjällen väntar. (Narvik 1940)
Bonniers 1943
Sture Ronnö:
Vi som intog Narvik. En svensk främlingslegionärs verklighetsskildring.
Tidens Förlag 1941
Gavs ut i ny upplagor 1971 och *1972 av Bokförlaget Stinget. Har dessutom översatts till norska och holländska.
Sidenhandlarens dotter.
Fahlcrantz & Gumælius, Helsingfors 1945
Widar Swahn:
Med döden för ögonen. En svensks upplevelser i franska främlingslegionen.
A.-B. Lindqvists Förlag. *1942, *1944. 1946.
Svend R. Christensen:
Sahara-Narvik-Brest. Till svenska av Nils Jacobsson. (Sahara-Narvik-Brest, Westermann 1942)
Gebers 1942
Arne Thour:
Dånande hovar: äventyrsberättelse från Nordafrika och franska främlingslegionen.
Svenska Allmogeförlaget, Vetlanda 1943
Kaj Renertz:
Flykten från främlingslegionen. Detektivmagasinet, N.r 29.
Romanförlaget i Göteborg 1943
Gösta Sehler:
Äventyr i franska kolonier. En svensk i franska främlingslegionen.
Kooperativa Förbundets Förlag 1946.
Harry Forsberg:
Kamrat med 52 nationer.
Hökerbergs 1946.
Jag var främlingslegionär.
FIB 1953.
Sven Forssell:
Syrsorna i St. Florentine. Noveller.
Bonniers 1948
Gösta V. Jönsson:
Fem års tjänst i franska främlingslegionen.
Författarens Förlag, Falsterbo 1942. Finja 1959. (*Vekerum 1975, lär aldrig ha tryckts)
(Se även bok från 1939)
Torsten Scheutz:
Legionär 1751.
Rabén & Sjögren 1951
Kurt Håkanson:
Gul soldat ser rött. Bl.a. foton av främlingslegionärer
Hörsta Förlag 1952.
Gösta Moberg:
Främlingslegionen och dess land.
LTs förlag 1952
(Översatt till franska: La légion étrangère et son pays d'élection, 1956)
Även som ljudbok: Johanneshov: TPB, 2011. Inläsare: Eric Linderholm. CD-R. 6 tim. 5 min.
Arthur Koestler
Den osynliga skriften.
2:a delen i Koestlers självbiografi med hans tjänst i främlingslegionen 1939-40
Tidens förlag. 1954.
Bengt Korch:
Skjuta eller dö. Med Franska Främlingslegionen i Afrika och Indokina.
Saxon & Lindström 1954.
En ovanlig nyutgåva gavs ut av Militära Mediaklubben u.å. (1990-tal?)
Jack Hansen:
Helvetet tur och retur. Som legionär i Indokina. (Helvede tur-retur. Legionær i Indokina. Vendelkærs forlag 1954)
Gothia 1955
William Earl Johns:
Biggles i Främlingslegionen. (Biggles Foreign Legionnaire 1954)
Wahlström *1955, *1964, 1980
Digital talbok. Enskede: TPB, 2002.Inläsare: Peter Mattsson. CD-R. 5 tim 21 min.
Hugh Clevely:
*Rymlingen från Främlingslegionen. Sexton Blake Magasinet Nr 142.
Göteborg 1956.
Edgar P. Andersson
Kamrat med äventyret (Barn och ungdomsbok)
Rabén & Sjögren1959.
Gösta Moberg
Bragdernas män.
Sid. 158-168 Ivor Thord-Gray - krigare, organisatör och forskare.
Harriers 1959
John Robb:
Fångar i Öknen.
B. Wahlströms Bokförlag 1960
Jules Roy
Det gröna infernot: slaget om Dien Bien Phu
Stockholm : Militärlitteraturfören., 1964
Ella Pipping:
En orons legionär, Nils Gustaf von Schoultz 1807-1838.
Schildts Förlag 1967.
Birger Hultstrand
De stora äventyren. Bragder och sällsamma upplevelser.
Thord-Gray - Äventyrens man på sidorna 127-157. Med illustrationer.
Bonniers 1968
Assar Tano:
Beredskapsminnen från övre Norrland 1939-1944. Artikel: Främlingslegionen i Norge. Sid. 126-163.
Tornedalica nr 12 1971 Luleå
Kelman Frost:
*Flykten genom öknen. (Stallion in the desert 1966)
Wahlströms Juryböcker nr 52. 1972.
Hans Habe:
Om ock tusen falla. (Ob Tausend fallen 1941)
Tidens *1941, *1944. Berghs 1975
Bertil Nelsson:
Breven från Tonkin. En svensk främlingslegionär i Vietnam.
Norstedts 1976.
Talbok. Enskede: Btj 1977. Inläsare: Tore Bengtsson, 6 ljudkassetter 10 tim. 45 min.
Gavs också ut av Historiska Media 1998 med titeln: Breven från Tonkin. En svensk främlingslegionär i Indokina. Denna upplaga har kompletterats med ett aktuellt reportage i Martin Sandells fotspår.
Alain Demouzon:
*Spader dam. (Le premier né d'Égypte 1976)
Forum 1979
Kjell Fridh:
Soldat utan land. Boken om Främlingslegionen.
Wahlströms Juryböcker Nr: 84. B Wahlströms.1979.
Digital talbok. Enskede: TPB, 2006. Inläsare: Carl-Magnus Söderholm. CD-R. 3 tim. 23 min.
Leo Kessler (Charles Whiting)
De fördömdas legion
Victory 302.
Wennerbergs förlag 1982.
Saga Egmont 2018 +E-book
Assar Tano:
Några glimtar från vinterkriget 1939-40 och beredskapsåren 1940-45
Ingår i: Det brinner hos grannen.
Fören. Haparandapojkarna 1982
Barry Sadler
Casca 11 Evigt straff
Stockholm Populär Pocket 1985
Talbok Enskede TPB 2015
Knut E. Häll:
Soldaten som inte kunde dö. Svensk äventyrare i Främlingslegionen.
LTs Förlag 1987
Digital talbok. Enskede: TPB, 2007. Inläsare Timothy Gibran. 1 CD-R. 10 tim 1 min.
Jacques Werup
Pornografens död: Ett slags dokumentärroman
Albert Bonniers förlag 1988
Douglas Boyd:
*Örnen och ormen. (The eagle and the snake. Warner 1992)
Bra Böcker 1995.
Artur Rosenhem:
*Arturs dokument. En autentisk roman.
Kunskapsföretaget 1995
Tamas Weber/Thomas Nilsson
*The Song of the Desert: A Legionary's Life Story. 117 sid.
T. Weber, 1995
Susan Travers:
*Ensam kvinna i främlingslegionen. En sann historia.
(Tomorrow to Be Brave 2000)
Forum 2001
Digital talbok. Enskede: TPB, 2002. Inläsare: Sandra Enegård Hall. CD-R. 16 tim. 15 min.
Barbro Lindqvist:
Norrländsk legionär - påvlig riddare, Jean de Felldihnj. Sid. 49-66 i Släktforskarnas årsbok.
Sveriges släktforskarförbund 2001.
Tamas Weber:
Krigarens ros: Främlingslegionen från insidan.
Sanshin 2001
Digital talbok. Enskede: TPB, 2002. Inläsare Håkan Julander. CD-R. 4 tim 41 min.
Henry R Leo:
Inte bara kristallkronor.
Förlags AB Gondolin 2002
Lina Sturfelt:
*Forskningsfronten flyttas fram: utbildningskultur och maktkultur. (Vår man i kulregnet - Elow Nilson)
HLF Förlag 2003
*Eldens återsken. Första världskriget i svensk föreställningsvärld. (Picknick i kulregnet med Elow Nilson)
Sekel Bokförlag/Isell & Jinert 2008
Curth Samuelsson:
De sålde sitt liv.
Lumio förlag & skrivbyrå, 2004
Lars Gyllenhaal / Lennart Westberg:
*Svenskar i krig 1914-1945.
Historiska Media. Lund, 2004.
Har också översatts till engelska:
Swedes at War: Willing Warriors of a Neutral Nation, 1914-1945
Aberjona Press 2007
Björn Axel Johansson:
De första fotograferna.
Historiska Media 2005
Stellan Bojerud:
*Ivor Thord-Gray: soldat under 13 fanor.
Sivart Förlag 2008
Peter Englund
Stridens skönhet och sorg. (Elow Nilson)
Atlantis 2008
(Första franska översättningen publicerad av Denoël 2011 med titeln: La beauté et la douleur des combats: une nouvelle histoire de la Première guerre mondiale.)
Joakim Langer
Mannen som hittade Tarzan. (Ivor Thord-Gray)
Sivart Förlag 2008
Jan Guillou:
Men inte om det gäller din dotter.
Piratförlaget 2008
Digital talbok Piratförlaget 2008. Inläsare: Tomas Bolme. 16 tim. 25 min.
Friedrich Glauser:
*Feberkurva. (Die Fieberkurve, Zürich 1938)
Ersatz Bokförlag 2009
Börje Lundberg:
*Alf Robertson - Jag lämnade mitt hjärta i Göteborg.
Reverb Förlag 2009
Assar Tano:
En Tornedaling i främlingslegionen 1929-1945. Legio Patria Nostra
AB Assars 2010
Även som ljudbok: Johanneshov: TPB, 2011. Inläsare Leif Liljeroth. 1 CD-R 6 tim. 50 min.
Mari Lindberg
*Ringar av gräs.
Vulkan 2011
Anders Carlén/Mattias Falk
*Svenskar i strid – Veteranernas Historier 1943 – 2011.
Bonniers 2012 Månpocket 2013
Janne Olsson:
*Seth legionären. Kriminella episoder.
Sivart Förlag 2013
Nils Fabiansson
*Historien om Västfronten: i spåren av första världskriget.
Norstedt 2014
Jacqueline A. Granström:
*Escape from the Legion. (About Tom, a Swedish legionnaire in 1970s.)
Publisher Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency (SBPRA) 2014
Frode Lindgjerdet
Kampen om Narvik 1940.
Tyska alpjägare, franska främlingslegionen och den svenska järnmalmen.
Svenskt Militärhistoriskt Biblioteks Förlag 2014
Elow Nilson
Svensk frivillig vid Verdun 1916: Stred och dog i Frankrike.
Stockholm : Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2014
Dan Weissenberg
Nils Gustaf von Schoulz (1807-1838)
Litorale 2014
Sören Björklund
Ivan Lönnberg: konstnären som stupade i första världskriget
Carlsson 2015
Lars Gyllenhaal/Lennart Westberg
Svenskar i krig 1945-2015
Historiska Media 2015
Howard R. Simpson
Främlinglegionens elit. Fallskärmsjägarna. Från Vietnam till Bosnien
Svenskt Militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2015
Alexander Stilwell
Ultimate military fitness: Träna som en elitsoldat.
Med antagningsprov från bland annat franska främlingslegionen.
Fischer & Co 2016
Martin Windrow
Marschera eller dö! den sanna historien om franska Främlingslegionen.
Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek 2016
Tony Berglund
Mitt hjärta var aldrig fruset
Curieux AB 2017
Roland Strandberg
Sjöman - Legionär - Legosoldat. Svensk soldat i fem krig, från Jugoslavien till Irak
Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek 2016
Lind & Co, Fischer & Co 2017
(Diverse författare)
E-bok 14 sid.
SAGA Egmont 2019
Bertel KurtenFem år i Främlingslegionen
Svenskt militärhistoriskt biblioteks förlag. 2016
Ny upplaga av Kurtens bok från 1928
Stefan Andersson
Han som tog värvning i Främlingslegionen
STILITS - Linnefors förlag 2020
Jenny Aktander Navab.
Den svenske legionären
Lava förlag 2021.
E-bok Bookea 2021
Pohjanen Bengt
Får jag lov att berätta - noveller och berättelser från TornedalenVi möter utsatta pojkar, unga män på väg till Främlingslegionen och andra världskriget.
Här möter vi Assar, Helge och Hilding*, tornedalska unga män med medaljer på uniformsjackan och erfarenheter från öknar och snöiga skyttegravar, unga män som tror på sin uppgift att stå emot mänsklighetens blodiga idéer. Nu får de berätta.
*/ Hilding och Helge var inte i Främlingslegionen. De var frivilliga i Finland.
Barents publisher 2022
Jenny Aktander
Riket, makten och härligheten
Bookea 2023
E-book 2023
Hamit Aktas
Med mörkret som vittne
Bokfabriken, 2023
E-book 2023
Joakim Hogg / Örjan Blix
Min tid i Främlingslegionen - en sann berättelse
Vibery Audiobooks 2023
Heléne Holmström
Dansar i mörkret
HarperLove. 2023
Lars Ericson Wolke
Svenskar i främlingslegionen. Frivilliga i fransk tjänst från 1831 till idag
Lind & Co 2023 (Utkommer i oktober)
Böcker markerade med röd text saknas i min samling!
Finska böcker
Felix Jungell
Färder och irrfärder. Minnen från ett äfventyrarlif.
Helsingfors 1909.
Erwin Rosen
Muukalaislegioonassa : muistelmia ja vaikutelmia
Jyväskylä : Gummerus, 1922
Bertel Kurten
Fem år i främlingslegionen.
Gebers/Söderströms, 1928.
Suomalainen Muukalaislegionassa. Kuolemaan vihittyjen legiona.
Helsinki 1931
Svenskt militärhistoriskt biblioteks förlag. 2016.
Kaarlo Kurko
Saharan legioonat. 10 vuotta Muukalaislegioonan riveissä.
Gummerus 1933 (Tio år i främlingslegionen)
Yrjö Toivonen
Neljä vuotta muukalaislegioonassa.
Suomalaisen seikkailijan elämyksiä Saharan erämaassa.
Otto Andersin kustannusliike, Pori 1934
Lauri Johannes Järvinen
Legioonalainen muistelee : muistelmateos Marokosta 1–2 .
Joiku, Oulu 1946
Simo Simola
Viidakkosotaa: kolme vuotta legioonalaisena Indokiinassa.
Helsinki : Tammi, 1955
W E Johns
Biggles muukalaislegioonassa
Helsinki : Tammi, 1958
Stefan Olivier
Uskollisuus kunniamme
Gummerus 1960
Jukka L. Mäkelä
Marokon Kauhu Aarne E. Juutilaisen elämäkerta. (Biografi)
WSOY 1969 (Werner Söderström AB)
George Robert Elford
Paholais armeija
Karisto 1976
Heli Hyvönen
Tulikärpästen tanssi. (Eldflugornas dans)
Karas-sana 1983
Jani Anttola
Mustat lesket, vuosi vapaaehtoisena Bosnian muslimijoukoissa.
(Svarta änkor, år som volontär i bosniska muslimska styrkorna)
Tammi 1998
Petri Sarjanen
Sahara - Palkkasoturi Per Andersson. (Sahara – Legosoldat Per Andersson)
Revontuli 1999
Susan Travers
Rohkeutta huomiseen : nainen muukalaislegioonassa
Helsingissä : Otava, 2001.
Harri Nykänen
Raid ja legioonalainen: jännitysromaani
Helsinki Söderström WSOY 2002, 2003
Crime Time 2017
Harry Lehtonen
Valmis tuskaan ja kuolemaan; Legioonalaisen muistelmat.
Gummerus, 2004
Kyösti Pietiläinen alias Karl Peters
Kyösti Pietiläinen/Petri Pietiläinen
120 päivää legioonalaiseksi: Miten Pietiläisestä tehtiin Peters . Tammi, 2005.
Legioonalais-Petersin varhaiset merimiesvuodet. Tammi, 2006.
Legioonalainen Peters: Suomalaisen palkkasoturin muistelmat. Tammi, 2003.
Kyösti Pietiläinen/Juhan-Ville Kaarnakarin
Legioonan isku Kolweziin. Tammi, 2008.
Sotapoliisi Peters No: 005 . Helsinki : Tammi, 2009.
Verinen keidas.Tammi, 2010.
Legioonalainen Peters Ruandassa. Tammi, 2011
Legioonalainen Peters Aavikon kettu. Tammi, 2012
Legioonalainen Peters Tarkka-ampujan tähtäimessä. Tammi, 2013.
Legioonalainen Peters Norsunluurannikolla. Tammi, 2014
Kyösti Pietiläinen/Seppo Porvalin:
Legioonalainen Peters Aavikkosota . Revontuli, 2016
Samuli Lahtinen/Vesa Vitikainen
Marokon Kauhu, Kapteeni Aarne Edvard Juutilaisen tarina (sarjakuva)
(tecknad serie)
Revontuli (Northern Lights Publishing) 2007
Kari Kallonen
Leijonalegioona; suomalaiset sotilaat Ranskan muukalaislegioonassa
(Tampere) Revontuli 2007
Revontuli 2009
Jaakko Sarlin-Lappeteläinen
Legioonan Sotilas 2007
Peter Englund; Seppo Hyrkäs
Sodan kauneus ja kauheus : 215 lyhyttä lukua ensimmäisestä maailmansodasta
Helsinki: WSOY, 2009
Jarkko Stenius
Like 2015
Wexi Korhonen
Pystyyn kuollut – Vive la legion
Revontuli, 2016
Alexander Stilwell, Veli-Pekka Ketola (Translator)
Taistelijan kuntokirja – Huippukuntoon armeijan tapaan 2016
Jarkko Stenius
Bangkokin veritiikerit
Like 2018
Jeno Rejto; András J Gönczöl
Kolme muskettisoturia Afrikassa
Books on Demand, 2019
English books
Biographies, autobiographies, novels and other books containing something about FFL
François Antoine Alby, (Ernest Alby), R F Porter
The prisoners of Abd-el-Kader; or, Five months' captivity among the Arabs, in the autumn of 1836.
London, Smith, Elder, & Co. 1838.
Clemens Lamping, François Antoine Alby
The French in Algiers: I. The Soldier of the Foreign Legion
Wiley & Putnam 1845
New editions:
The French in Algiers The Soldier of the Foreign Legion +The Prisoners of Abd-El-Kader,
Translated from the German and French By Lady Duff Gordon.
John Murray 1855
Leonaur Ltd 2011
Forgotten Books, 2013. Services LLC 2014
HardPress 2018
Clemens Lamping; Lucie Duff Gordon, Lady; François Antoine Alby, (Ernest Alby)
French in Algiers
Crusades in Africa. And A five months captivity among the Arabs
New-York: Leavitt, Trow, 1848
Ouida. Marie-Louise de la Ramée (1839-1908)
Under Two Flags.
Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1867.
Film versions 1912, 1916, 1922 and 1936.
Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton (1808-1877):
Bingen on the Rhine
Porter & Coates, Philadelphia 1883
Capitaine Blanc
Légion étrangère
Paris Téqui 1890
(Foreign Legion, by Capitaine Blanc.
The Nafziger Collection, Inc. 2011)
James O'Neill (1860-xxxx)
Garrison Tales from Tonquin:
An American's Stories of the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam in the 1890s.
Copeland & Day 1895, Louisiana State University Press 2006
Richard Harding Davis (1864-1916):
Soldiers of Fortune
Charles Scribner’s Sons, NY 1897
A.E.W. Mason (1865-1948):
The Truants
Hodder & Stoughton 1904
John Patrick Le Poer
A Modern Legionary
Methuen & Company 1904,
Nabu Press 2010
St. Aubyn, Philip & P. R. Gallichan
An Englishman in the French Foreign Legion. (Algeria).
8 pages, 2 photographs, 5 illustrations
Wide World Magazine 1905
G. A. Manington
Soldier of the Legion,
An Englishman’s Adventures Under the French Flag in Algeria and Tonquin.
Printed in 300 ex. Reprint 2005 and e-book 2017
John Murray 1907
Erwin Rosen (1876-1923):
In the Foreign Legion.
Duckworth 1910
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2016
Frederic Martyn
Life in the Legion from a Soldier's Point of View.
Scribners US 1911
Leonaur 2011
Harry Wynne/J Milton Hayes
The Foreign Legion - A Saharan Desert Story
(Musical Monologues No 83)
Reynolds, London, 1912
I. A. R. Wylie (Ida Alexa Ross)
The Red Mirage
Mills & Boon: London 1913
("The Unknown". Movie based on the book 1915)
The Foreign Legion.
Photoplay Title of The Red Mirage.
Grosset & Dunlap 1928
Isha Books 2013
C.N & A.M. Williamson
A Soldier of the Legion
Doubleday, Page & Company 1914, CREATESPACE 2014
Legionnaire 17889 (Erwin Carlé/Erwin Rosen 1876-1923):
In the Foreign Legion.
Arnold 1915
Henry Farnsworth (WWI)
Letters of Henry Weston Farnsworth of the Foreign Legion
Private printing US 1916, Kessinger Publishing 2010
Edward Morlae
A Soldier in the Legion
Houghton Mifflin 1916,
eBook. Project Gutenberg, 2007
HardPress 2013
Independently published 2017
Illustrated edition. W.K. Hawthorne 2017
H De Vere Stacpoole
Corporal Jacques of the Foreign Legion
London: Hutchinson (1916)
Kenneth Weeks
Kenneth Weeks, a Soldier of the Legion: France, 1914-15
Allen & Unwin, 1916
Percival Christopher Wren
The wages of virtue
Hutchson 1916, Emereo Pty Limited, 2013
G.F Lees; E.S. And; E.W.Smith; M. Mayer-Nixson; D. Francis; J. Cowan;
F. J. Dickie; J. P. Armstrong; M. Gerard; H. Henry; L. R. Freeman; D. A. Wiley.
Wonderful Stories of the French Foreign Legion
The Wide World Magazine, January 1917
British monthly illustrated publication 1898 - 1965
George Newnes, Ltd. 1917
Russell A Kelly
Kelly of the Foreign Legion. Letters of Légionnaire Russell A. Kelly
Mitchell Kennerley US 1917
Lucknow Books 2014
Forgotten Books 2018
F.A. McKenzie
Americans at the front.
New York,George H. Doran Company (1917?)
Reprint. London: Forgotten Books, 2013
Alan Seeger (1888-1916)
Letters and Diary (WWI)
C. Scribner's Sons 1917,
Forgotten Books 2012
Leonaur 2017 (The American Legionnaires)
Albert N. Depew
Gunner Depew
The Reilly & Britton Co., Chicago 1918
John Bowe/Charles L MacGregor
Soldiers Of The Legion: (”Trench Etched By Legionnaire Bowe”)
Peterson Linotyping Co. 1918
Soldiers of the Legion: Trench Etched by Legionnaire Bowe, Who Is John Bowe (1918)
Kessinger Publishing 2010
Albert DePew
Gunner Depew: By Himself
US seaman serves in the French Foreign Legion during WWI
Reilly & Britton 1918
Lieut Bert Hall (An American of the French Flying Corps)
”En l'air!" (In the Air) Three years on and above three battlefronts.
New York: The New Library. (1918).
James Norman Hall
High Adventure; a Narrative of Air Fighting in France
Houghton Mifflin 1918
Edward Wilson Morse
The vanguard of American volunteers in the fighting lines and in humanitarian service August, 1914-April, 1917.
New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1918.
Laurence La Tourette Driggs
Heroes of Aviation
Little Brown 1918
Ruth Dunbar
The Swallow.
A novel based upon the actual experiences of one of the survivors of the famous Lafayette Escadrille.
New York: Boni and Liveright, 1919
New edition Leonaur 2012
Elwyn Alfred Barron
Deeds of Heroism and Bravery: The Book of Heroes and Personal Daring.
Chapter, page 27; Epic of the Foreign Legion
Harper & Brothers 1920
Reprint Forgotten Books 2017
William Coolidge Lane
The cemetery at Souain, dedicated to the members of the Foreign Legion and other soldiers of France. who fell near this spot in the battle of Champagne, Sept. 25 to 29, 1915. Consecrated Nov. 3, 1920.
(Inscriptions in English and French--The names of the men buried in this cemetery. Privately printed 16 pages)
Cambridge, Harvard university press, 1921.
C. E. Phillimore
Two Boys In The Foreign Legion.
Wide World Magazine 1921
George Clark Moseley (Aviator WWI)
Extracts from the Letters of George Clark Moseley.
Chicago: Privately Printed 1923
Ford Madox Ford
Some do not ...
New York, T. Seltzer, 1924.
Knud Holmboe
Between the devil and the deep sea: a dash by plane to seething Morocco
Cph. London, Chicago 1924
Maurice Magnus (M.M.)
Memoirs of the Foreign Legion
Secker 1924
Percival Christopher Wren Beu Geste
John Murray 1924
Braille book 1924
Beau Sabreur
John Murray 1926
Beau Ideal
John Murray 1928
Foreign Legion Omnibus
Amereon Limited, 1928
Good Gestes
Frederick A Stokes Company, 1929
Soldiers of Misfortune: The Story of Otho Belleme
John Murray 1929
Paul Ayres Rockwell
War Letters of Kiffin Yates Rockwell
Doubleday, Page & Co. 1925. (Reprint 2011)
Francis Asbury Waterhouse
Sands of destiny
London : Sampson Low, Marston (1925)
Zinovi Pechkoff
The Bugle Sounds : Life in the Foreign Legion
Appleton 1926
England: The Naval & Military Press Ltd 2000
e-Book Luton : Andrews UK 2012
John Poda
The Foreign Legion
Delphic Press, 1926
E Alexander Powell
In Barbary : Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and the Sahara
New York; London: The Century Co., 1926
Frederic Martyn
The Hell-on-Earth Legion. The French Foreign Legion.
Wide World Magazine 1927
The legionaire
William Heinemann 1927
Garde A Vous! (On Guard) A Novel of the Foreign Legion
New York: A.L. Burt Company, 1928
Drums of the Legion
William Heinemann 1928
Georges Surdez
The Demon Caravan
Lincoln Mac Veagh / The Dial Press, 1927, Dell 1951
Herbert Vivian
Abd-El-Krim's Lieutenant. A German adventurer who faced a French firing squad in Morocco as a Foreign Legion deserter.
Wide World Magazine 1927
David Wooster King
LM 8046 - An Intimate Story of the Foreign Legion
(Alternate title: Ten Thousand Shall Fall)
Duffield US 1927, 1930
Westphalia Press 2013
Leonaur 2017 (The American Legionnaires)
Christian Aage (Prince of Denmark,1887-1940):
A Royal Adventurer in the Foreign Legion
Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page & Co., 1927
Palala Press 2018
New title?: My Life in the Foreign Legion
Nash & Grayson 1928
John Harvey (1900-?):
With the French Foreign Legion in Syria
Hutchinson 1928
London, Greenhill Books, 1995>
Bennett Doty (Syria)
Legion of the Damned
Garden City US 1928
London Cape 1928
Yardley Westholme Publishing 2020
John Collis Snaith
D. Appleton, 1928
Arthur Train
The Horns of Ramadan
Scribner's, New York, 1928
Gilbert Wansbrough Thacker
Into the Burning Blue. A Tale of the French Foreign Legion
London, 1928
Bert Hall/John Jacob Niles
One man's war. The story of the Lafayette escadrille
New York, H. Holt and Co. 1929
Camilla Hope
Long Shadows
International Fiction Library, 1929
Captain Walter Karig
“Hungry" Crawford, legionnaire,
New York, I. Washburn 1929
André Armand
London: Readers Library (1930)
Georg Batzler-Heim/Karl Bartz
The Horrors of Cayenne:
The Experiences of a German as a French Bagno-convict
Constable & Company Limited, 1930
Ernst Friedrich Löhndorff
Hell in the Foreign Legion
Greenberg, 1930
Ex-Legioneer No. 14,192. Forward by R.A. Weaver
The French Foreign Legion.
The Enamelist; Cleveland, OH. 1930
Paul Ayres Rockwell
American Fighters in the Foreign Legion 1914-1918
Houghton Mifflin 1930
Ballacourage Books 2014
Elliot Bailey
For The Honour of France. Sgt. A.R. Cooper of the French Foreign Legion.
Wide World Magazine 1931
Francis A. Waterhouse/ R. Kenneth MacAulay
Twixt Hell and Allah
Sampson Low 1931
Percival Christopher Wren (Editor)
Sowing Glory. The Memoirs of "Mary Ambree" (pseudonym)
Diary of an Englishwoman in the ranks of the French Foreign Legion. Disguise as a man.
Frederick A. Stokes, London, 1931
Reginald R. Forbes
Red Horizon. Personal experiences of the French Foreign Legion.
Sampson Low 1932
Richard Halliburton (1900-1939):
The Flying Carpet
Bobbs-Merrill Company 1932
Adolphe Richard Cooper (Ex-Sergeant)
Twelve Years in the Foreign Legion
Angus & Robertson Australia 1932
The Man Who Liked Hell: Twelve Years in the French Foreign Legion
Jarolds 1933
Ernst F. Lohndorff
Hell in the Foreign Legion
Greensberg US 1932
Adolphe Richard Cooper
Twelve Years in the Foreign Legion
Angus & Robertson Australia 1932
Michael Donovan
March or Die!
Cassell 1932
Ex-Legionnaire 1384 /W. J. Blackledge
The Hell Hounds of France
Sampson Low 1932
Zillah: Child of the Desert
Sampson Low 1932.
Soulless Legion
London, Denis Archer, 1934
Reginald R Forbes Ex-Legionnaire 9372
Red horizon. (Personal experiences of the Foreign Legion)
Sampson Low Marston & Co (1932)
Fritz Klose
The Legion Marches: The Woes and Wrongs of the Foreign Legion
J. Hamilton Limited, 1932
R. Kenneth Macaulay & Francis A.Waterhouse
London: Sampson Low Marston & Co. Ltd. 1932.
Florence Riddell
Perilous love
J.B. Lippincott Company, 1932
H De Vere Stacpoole
The lost caravan
London : W. Collins Sons & Co Ltd (1932)
Francis A. Waterhouse (ex legionnaire)
Oasis. A Romance of the French Foreign Legion
Sampson Low 1932
Five Sous a Day An account of personal experiences in the French Foreign Legion.
Sampson Low 1933
Rebirth. A romance of the Foreign Legion.
Jarrolds: London, 1934
Desert Reprieve
London 1937
A rebel in the legion :
Being the story of the life and adventures in the French Foreign Legion of James O'Donovan
Sampson Low (1938)
Mihály Weimper
Vádollak Franciaország! An indictment of the Foreign Legion.
Pp. 102. Budapest, 1932.
John Gibbons
The Truth about the Legion
Methuen 1933
Warren H. Miller
Miller wrote many short stories thru the years. Here is one of them:
The Legion Takes The Field
BLUE BOOK Magazine, June 6-1933
Percival Christopher Wren
Flawed Blades: Tales from the Foreign Legion
John Murray 1933
Spanish Maine
John Murray 1935
Draycott M. Dell
For the Glory of the Legion
Newnes 1934
Anton Lind/Roy Baker (pseud.)
Penal Battalion. (Reminiscences of Life in the Foreign Legion)
Sampson Low, Marston & Co 1934
Roberts Murray
Soldiers of Fortune; Stirring Yarn of the Foreign Legion, Starring Captain Justice
(The Boys' Friend Library No. 457)
The Amalgamated Press 1934
G. Ward-Price
In Morocco with the Legion
Anchor Press 1934
Ex-Legionnaire 1384
Legion of the Lost
Sampson Low 1934
The Arab Patrol
Sampson Low 1935
The Desert Patrol
London & Dublin Mellifont Press 1935
Spies of the Sahara
Sampson Low 1936
The white Tuareg, (John Henry Harvey)
Rich & Cowan 1936
The Son of Allah
Rich & Cowan 1937
The Mutiny of Fort Saada
London, Sampson Low & Co., 1937
Slaves of Morocco
Sampson Low 1938
George Crawford, Legionnaire.
The devil's own. A story of life in the Foreign Legion.
Sampson Low (1935)
Rosita Forbes
Women called wild
Grayson & Grayson 1935
Operator 1384
The Devil’s Diplomats.
London, Hutchinson 1935
W J Blackledge
The Legion of Marching Madmen
Sampson Low 1936
William S. Elliot
The Tiger of the Legion - being the story of Tiger O'Reilly
Sampson Low 1936
J. M. Armstrong & W. S. Elliot
Legion of Hell
Appleton 1936
Brian Stuart
Adventure in Algeria
H. Jenkins 1936
W. B. Bannerman
Dead March in the Desert - The Story of Mervyn Pellew, ex-Legionnaire 8901
Sampson Low 1937
The Accursed of Allah
Sampson Low 1938
Ottwell Binns
A Soldier of the Legion
Ward, Lock & Co 1937
Walt Disney
Mickey Mouse in the Foreign Legion
Better Little Book, Whitman 1937
Terry Brennan/W. J. Blackledge
Death Squads in Morocco
Sampson Low (1937)
Ian Cameron
Murder in the Legion
Sampson Low 1937
Bernard von Katz
I Fought in the Legion.
(Reminiscences of life in the French Foreign Legion)
Sampson Low 1937
Angus McLean
Vive la Legion
Sampson Low 1937
John Redgrove/William James Elliott
Footprints in sand; being the life-story of John Redgrove.
Eldon Press Ltd. 1937
Louis G Redmond Howard
The desert of the damned. A story of life and death in the French Foreign Legion.
London, (1937)
William Penderel
Parade of violence,
London, Selwyn & Blount (1937)
Prins Aage of Denmark
Fire by day and flame by night: with the fighting hermits of the African desert : memoirs of prince Aage of Denmark. Published in French under title "Mes souvenirs de la Legion etrangere" 1936
London: S. Low, Marston, 1937.
A. G. Storer
I wear the burnous
S. Low, Marston & Co., Ltd 1937
Gaylord Du Bois
Blaze Brandon with the Foreign Legion
Whitman Publishing Company 1938
Aage Krarup Nielsen (1891-1972):
Hell Beyond the Seas:
A convict's own story of his experiences in the French penal settlement in Guiana
Garden City Publishing Co. 1938
Anthony James Querle/William J. Elliott
”Allah iL Allah” :
Being the Life-Story of Ex-Legionnaire Anthony James Querle
Sampson Low; 1st Thus edition (1938)
Capt Victor Cranton
Keepers of the Desert
Sampson Low 1939
E.Duplesis/ E. C. Trelawney-Ansell
The Cohort of the Damned. From Bleu to Capitaine
Sampson Low Marston and Co (1939)
John Dimmock Newsom
A London Legionnaire: A Novel of the Foreign Legion
World's Work, (1913) 1939
Capt W.E. Johns
Biggles Foreign Legionnaire
London: Random House 1939
Hodder & Stoughton, England, 1954/1960
London: Armada 1971/1979
Braille book Scottish Braille Press. 1980
London: Red Fox 1995
T Victor (Ex-Corporal in the French Foreign Legion); Edward Clarence Trelawney-Ansell; Anne S.K. Brown
From the abyss to the Foreign Legion
London: Sampson Low, Marston 1939, 1993
Francis A Waterhouse/Roger L Wimbush
Desert carrion : an autobiography of the French Foreign Legion
Bloodspots in the Sand. Further pages from the Life of Francis A. Waterhouse Ex-Legionnaire 1484.
Sampson Low (1939)
Alice S. Weeks
Greater Love Hath No Man
Bruce Humphries, Inc 1939
A. A. Cameron
Desert Loot
Sampson Low, Marston & Co (1940)
Hans Habe (1911-1977):
A Thousand Shall Fall
Harcourt & Brace, 1941
Arthur Koestler
Scum of the Earth
Macmillan Company 1941
Pierre Olivier Lapie (1901-1994):
With the Foreign Legion at Narvik
John Murray, 1941
Percival Christopher Wren
The uniform of glory. Being the true story of a free Frenchman's night out.
Toronto : Longmans, Green, 1941.
London J. Murray 1941,
Book club 1943,
Australasian Pub. Co. 1945,
Gryphon Books 1947/1956,
Kemsley Newspapers 1951
John F. Hasey
Yankee fighter: the story of an American in the French Foreign Legion
Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1942.
New York: Garden City Pub. Co. 1944
ebook, Chicago : Arcole Publishing 2017
Akimbo Printing 2019
Theodor Broch (1904-1998):
The Mountains Wait (Narvik 1940)
Michael Joseph, London, 1943
Philip Guedalla
The two marshals : Bazaine, Pétain
New York : Reynal & Hitchcock 1943.
Constantin Joffe
We Were Free
Smith and Durrell 1943
John Lodwick
Running for Paradise
Reginald Saunders 1943
J. M Norfolk
Desert Masquerade: A Story of the Foreign Legion
Surrey, World's Work 1943
Ernie Pyle
Here is your war.
New York World Publishing 1943
Douglas M. Smith/Cecil Carnes
American Guerilla: Fighting Behind the Enemy Lines
The Bobbs-Merrill company 1943.
Kosta Todorov
Balkan Firebrand:
The Autobiography of a Rebel Soldier and Statesman
Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1943
Marcel Jean Marie Joseph Torris
Bretano 1943
Percival Christopher Wren
Port of missing men; strange tales of the Foreign legion
Philadelphia, Macrae-Smith Co., 1943.
Dead men's boots : and other tales from the Foreign Legion
London : Gryphon Books, 1949
Hassoldt Davis
Half Past When. An American with the Fighting French
J.B. Lippincott Co., 1944
Ted Harris
Escape from the Legion
J. Murray 1945
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzan and the Foreign Legion
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. 1947
Ballantine 1964/1977
John D. Newsom
Wiped Out: Stories of the Foreign Legion
Dell 1947
Douglas Stanhope
On Special Service for the Foreign Legion
Blackie & Son 1947
Large print Blackie, 1947
Brian Stuart
Far to go.
W. P. Nimmo Hay and Mitchell 1947
Percival Christopher Wren
Stories of the Foreign Legion. First edition in one volume.
Short stories from "Stepsons of France", "Good Gestes", "Port O' Missing Men" and "Flawed Blades"
London, John Murray 1947, 1953, 1962
Philadelphia PA: Macrae-Smith-Company 1948. First american edition
Permabooks 1955
P.T. Etherton
Across the Great deserts.
Lutterworth Press 1948
George E. Rochester
Sons of the Legion
London: C.H. Daniels (1948)
Jason McCree
The justice of the Legion
World's Work 1949
John Manolescu
Permitted to Land : an Autobiography
Staples Press, 1950
R. Frison-Roche
Lost trail of the Sahara
New York, Prentice-Hall 1952
London, Robert Hale Ltd. 1956
Raymond Leopold Bruckberger
One Sky To Share
P.J. Kennedy, New York, 1952
Gordon Landsborough
Legionnaire From Texas
Leicester, UK: Linford, 1952.
Large print Leicester: Linford, 2012
Independently published 2017
Mike M'Cracken (Gordon Landsborough)
Fortress el Zeeb
Hamilton 1951
Renegade legionnaire.
Hamilton 1952
John Robb
American Legionnaire
Hamilton & Co.: London 1952
Large print Leicester: Linford 2018
John Robb
The last deserter
Leicester, UK: Linford, 1952
Large print Leicester: Linford, 2011
Jacques Weygand
Légionnaire. Life with the French Foreign Legion Cavalry.
George Harrap & Co 1952
Gordon Landsborough
Back to the Legion
Large print Leicester, UK: Linford 1953
Renegade legionnaire
Large print Leicester, UK: Linford1953
Alfred Perrott-White
French Legionnaire
John Murray 1953
Howard Swiggett
March or Die - The Story of the French Foreign Legion
Putnam US 1953
Adrian Liddell Hart (Indochina in the 1950s)
Strange Company
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1953
Percival Christopher Wren
Stories of the Foreign Legion
Murray, 1953
Geoffrey Bond
Luck of the Legion (Hutchinson - 1954)
Sergeant Luck Takes Over (Hutchinson - 1954)
Carry On, Sergeant Luck! (Hutchinson - 1956)
Sergeant Luck's Secret Mission (Hulton Press - 1956)
Sergeant Luck's Desert Adventure (Hulton Press - 1958)
The Return of Sergeant Luck (Max Parrish - 1964)
A Jeep for Le Capitaine (A French Foreign Legion Story)
Gannet GB 1954
Douglas Valder Duff
Foreign Legion sailor
Cassel 1954
On special service for the Foreign Legion
Blackie 1960
René Hardy
The sword of God
Doubleday 1954
John Robb
Zone zero
Hamilton & Co, 1954
Large print Leicester: Thorpe, 2014.
Storm evil.
Hamilton & Co, 1954
Ensio Tiira
Raft of Despair
Hutchinson, London 1954
Henry Ainley
In Order to Die - with the Foreign Legion in Indochina
Burke 1955
Wyatt Blassingame
The French Foreign Legion...
Random House, 1955
Jud Cary
Sands of Destiny. (Also published 2009 and 2011 by E. C. Tubb)
John Spencer Pb 1955
Ray Cave
The French Foreign Legion: As Reported in the Sunpapers
Baltimore Sunpapers, 1955
Hugh Clevely
The Case of the Legion Deserter
The Sexton Blake Library #349 1955
Major Grauwin. (Paul-Henri Grauwin)
Doctor at Dien Bien Phu. (J'étais médecin à Diên Biên Phu 1954)
Hutchinson 1955
John Robb
Mission of mercy
London, 1955
Large print Leicester: Thorpe, 2015
Bruno Schwarz
The Dead and the Damned
Hamilton (1954)
Feet of Clay
Phanter 1954
The Last Chance
Mass Market 1955
Alex Stamper
Legionnaires of France
Hamilton Panther 1950s
Glory Squad
Panther Books, 1954
Revolt at Zaluig
Panther 1955
Colin John
Nothing to lose. Five Years in the Foreign Legion from Sidi Bel Abbès to Dien-Bien Phu.
Cassell & Company 1955
Michael Alexander/Michael West de Wend Fenton
The Reluctant Legionnaire - An Escapade
Hart-Davis 1956
Walter Kanitz
The White Kepi - A Casual History of the French Foreign Legion
Henry Regnery US 1956
Enoch Coppin
Waddell of Gallipoli:
amazing true story of New Zealand-born Hero of the Foreign Legion (19 pages)
Levin <N.Z.> : K.B.H., 1957.
Geoffrey Bond
Luck of the Legion's Desert Adventure - an Eagle Novel
Hulton Press, 1958
Josef Čapka/Kendall MacDonald
Red Sky at Night. The Story of Josef Čapka
Blond 1958.
Homer Croy
Trigger Marshal: The Story of Chris Madsen
New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1958
Anthony Delmayne
Sahara Desert Escape
Jarrolds, UK, 1958
John Ehle
The Survivor - The Story of Eddy Hukov
Henry Holt US 1958
John Lodwick
Bid the Soldiers Shoot
Heinemann 1958
Henry de Montherlant
Desert Love
Berkley Medallion Book 1959
John Robb
I shall avenge!
Panther Books 1954
Large print Leicester: Linford, 2011.
Red Radford and the Black Legion
Collins 1960
Bernard B. Fall
Street without joy; Indochina at war, 1946-54.
Stackpole 1961
Jules Roy
The war in Algeria
Evergreen target book 1961
Emile Schurmacher
Terror in Algiers - Victory in the City of Blood
Paperback Library 1962
Jean Larteguy
The Centurions
Hutchinson, 1961
The Praetorians
Hutchinson, 1963
Edgar O'Ballance
The Story of the Foreign Legion
Faber 1961
London: White Lion Publishers 1974
Arch Whitehouse
Legion of the Lafayette (American FFL Pilots of WWI)
Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday 1962.
John Townsend
The Legion of the Damned
Adventures Club 1963
Geoffrey Bocca
La Legion! The French Foreign Legion and the men who made it glorious
Thos Crowell US 1964
Charles Mercer
Legion of Strangers
The Vivid History Of A Unique Military Tradition.
Arthur Barker 1964
Herbert Molloy Mason, Jr
The Lafayette Escadrille
New York Random House 1964
Patrick Turnbull
The Foreign Legion
Heinemann 1964
George Armstrong Kelly
Lost Soldiers: The French Army and Empire in Crisis, 1947-1962
The MIT Press 1965
Stefan Olivier
Lost Sons
MacFadden-Bartell, New York, 1965
Bernard B. Fall
Hell In A Very Small Place: The Siege of Dien Bien Phu
J. B. Lippincott 1966
Da Capo Press 2002
Kelman Frost
Stallion in the desert
Abelard Schuman 1966
Major Tom Cushny
Legionnaire No. 31022
Timmins (1967)
Jenő Rejtő
The 14-carat Roadster
Corvina Press, 1967
Hurk Davis
Legion of Outcasts; The Autobiography of Peter Reeves.
Holloway House Pub. Co. 1968
John S. Mannet
Dread Outpost. An epic drama of the Foreign Legion.
London, Great Britain, 1968
David S. Woolman
Rebels in the Rif: Abd El Krim and the Rif Rebellion
Stanford University Press 1968
A. R. Cooper
Born to fight
Blackwood, 1969
Blaise Cendrars
The Astonished Man
Owen, 1970
Jean-Jacques Demorest
Retz, the Noble Rogue
American Society of the French Foreign Legion 1970
George Robert Elford
Devil's Guard. The Fascinating, True Story of the French Foreign Legion's Nazi Battalion
Delacorte US 1971
Dell 1972, 1985, 1988
Delta 2008, 2013
Tantor Audio; Unabridged edition 2017
Richard Holmes
Bir Hacheim: Desert Citadel
(Ballantine's Illustrated History of the Violent Century, Battle Book)
Ballantine Books 1971
Martin Windrow
The French Foreign Legion
Osprey 1971, 1973, 1976, 2013
Adolphus Richard Cooper
March or Bust - Adventures in the Foreign Legion
Robert Hale 1972
Donald McCormick
One Man's Wars: The Story of Charles Sweeny, Soldier of Fortune.
Littlehampton 1972
Nigel Thomas
The French Foreign Legion
Wayland 1973
Hugh McLeave
The Damned Die Hard: the story of the French Foreign Legion
Saxon House 1974
John Laffin
The French Foreign Legion
Dent 1974
James Howard Wellard
The French Foreign Legion
Little Brown & Company 1974
Erwan Bergot
The French Foreign Legion
Allan Wingate 1975
Walter Kanitz
Tales of the Foreign Legion
Simon & Schuster of Canada 1975
Zosa Szajkowski
Jews and the French Foreign Legion
Ktav Publishing House 1975
Rolf Steiner/Yves-Guy Bergès
The Last Adventurer
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1976
Martin Windrow
The French Foreign Legion-Airfix Magazine Guide 13
Patrick Stevens 1976
Ross E. Dunn
Resistance in the Desert: Moroccan Responses to French Imperialism 1881-1912
University of Wisconsin Press 1977
Sadie Galvin
Operation Sadie: How I Rescued My Son from the Foreign Legion
W.H. Allen/Virgin Books 1977
Geoffrey Davison
No names on their graves
London: Hale, 1978.
Large print Long Preston: Magna, 2011.
Simon Murray
Legionnaire - My Five Years in The French Foreign Legion
Sidgwick & Jackson 1978
London: Pan Books 2021.
Martin Chadzynski/Carli Laklan
New York: McGraw-Hill 1979
Jay Mallin; Robert K Brown
Merc: American soldiers of fortune
New York: Macmillan 1979
Casemate; Reprint edition 2018
Walter Elias/ Walt Disney
Mickey Mouse Joins the Foreign Legion
Disney Productions/Abbeville Press Inc. 1980
A. J. Quinnell (Philip Nicholson)
Man on Fire
William Morrow 1980
Theodore Roscoe
The Wonderful Lips of Thibong Linh
Donald M. Grant 1981
Martin Windrow
Uniforms of The French Foreign Legion 1831-1981
Blandford 1981
Charles Lepetit/John Griffiths
Two Dancers in the Desert: The Life of Charles de Foucauld
Orbis Books 1983
Douglas Porch
The Conquest of Morocco:
The Bizarre History of France's Last Great Colonial Adventure 1903-1914
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 1983
Barry Sadler
Casca 11 The Legionnaire
New York: Charter Books 1983, 1984, 1987
Audiobook Spokane, Wash: Books In Motion 2002, 2005. 2008
Albuquerque, N.M.: Americana Pub. 2003, 2004
Douglas Porch
The Conquest of the Sahara
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 1984
John Robert Young
The French Foreign Legion. The Inside Story of the World-famous Fighting Force
Thames & Hudson 1984
French Foreign Legion Mines and Booby Traps
Paladin US 1985
Anthony Mockler
The new mercenaries -
The History of the Mercenary from the Congo to the Seychelles.
Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1985
Jan Montyn/Dirk Ayelt Kooiman
A Lamb to Slaughter (Biography)
Viking 1985
Martin Windrow
The French Foreign Legion Paratroops
Osprey 1985
Yves L. Cadious & Tibor Szecsko
The French Foreign Legion 1940 to Present (Uniforms Illustrated 15)
Arms & Armour Press 1986
French Foreign Legion
Mines Bobby Traps
Paladin Pr, 1986
Tony Geraghty
March or Die - France and the Foreign Legion
Grafton 1986
Roy C. Anderson
Devils, Not Men - The History of The French Foreign Legion
Robert Hale 1987
Edmund Murray
I Was Winston Churchill's Bodyguard
London: Thomas Allen 1987
French Foreign Legion Paratrooper Combat Manual
Paladin Press 1987
Austin Kelly
French Foreign Legion uniforms 1831-1978
Very rare limited edition.
22 drawings of Legion uniforms throughout history by Rudolph Burda.
U.S.: s.n., 1988?
James William Worden
Wayward Legionnaire: A Life in the French Foreign Legion
Robert Hale Ltd 1988
Large print Leicester: Ulverscroft, 1991.
Leslie Aparvary
A Legionnaire's Journey
Detselig Enterprises 1989
Philippe Bartlett
Badges of the French Foreign Legion 1923-1989
P. Bartlett 1989
Christian Jennings
Mouthful of Rocks - Modern Adventures in The French Foreign Legion
Bloomsbury 1989
Mouthful of Rocks: Through Africa and Corsica in the French Foreign Legion
Bloomsbury 1989
Charles Sweeny/James A. Goodson
Sweeny: The Autobiography of Charles Sweeny
Canterbury: Harrop Press, 1990.
Paul Watkins
In the blue light of African dreams
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990.
Hutchinson, 1990.
London: Vintage, 1991.
London: Faber and Faber 1997
New York: Picador USA
Douglas Porch
The French Foreign Legion - A Complete History of the Legendary Fighting Force
HarperCollins 1991. First Edition (U.K.)
Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1991
Braille book: Bredbury, England. National Library for the Blind, 2002.
Peter MacDonald
The Making of a Legionnaire
Sidgwick & Jackson 1991
Douglas Boyd
The eagle and the snake
Warner 1992
Yves Debay
The French Foreign Legion Today
Windrow & Greene 1992
Yves Debay (Photo)
The French Foreign Legion in Action
Windrow & Greene 1992
Jim White
Life's Great Moments: And Other Reasons I Considered Joining the French Foreign Legion
Seeds of Hope Printing 1992
DayStar Publishing; 2004
Bruce H. Hupe
The Generalship of General Henri E. Navarre During the Battle of Dien Bien Phu.
CreateSpace 1994
Gilbert Morris
A time to die
Grand Rapids, Mich.: F.H. Revell 1994.
Audiobook on Cassette
VanWyck, SC: NorthStar Pub. Co., 1998.
A J Quinnell
Black Horn
London : Chapmans, 1994
Message from hell
London : Orion, 1996.
Joseph Desloge Jr.
Passport to manhood. Adventures of a WWII front line ambulance driver with the British and the French Foreign Legion
Saint Louis, Mo. : The author 1995.
Tamas Weber (1942-)/Thomas Nilsson
The Song of the Desert: A Legionary's Life Story
T. Weber, 1995
Norman Zollinger
Chapultepec : a novel (Mexico 1860)
New York : Forge, 1995.
Tim Champlin
The survivor: a western story
Unity, Me.: Five Star Western, 1996.
Sterling McNeil
More Than a Lifetime: Far Away from Home
Open Shadow Pubns 1996
Rosemary Rohmer / James Ryan
Camerone: The French Foreign Legion's Greatest Battle
Series: Foundations of Social Inquiry
Praeger 1996
James W. Ryan
Camerone: The French Foreign Legion's Greatest Battle
Praeger Publisher 1996
Martin Windrow
French Foreign Legion. Infantry and Cavalry since since 1945
Osprey 1996
Robin Hunter
True Stories of the Foreign Legion
Ebury Press 1997
Simon Jameson
The French Foreign Legion: A Guidebook to Joining
Salvo Books 1997. Kindle Edition 2012 (eBook)
Howard R. Simpson
The Paratroopers of the French Foreign. From Vietnam to Bosnia
Potomac Books 1997
John Parker
Inside the Foreign Legion: The Sensational Story of the World's Toughest Army
Piatkus Books 1998
Bill Fawcett
Mercs: True Stories of Mercenaries in Action
Avon 1999
Martin Windrow
French Foreign Legion, 1914-45
Osprey 1999
Yves Debay
French Foreign Legion Operations: 1990 – 2000
Crowood Press, Limited, 2000
Pierre Dufour
LA Légion Étrangère: Foreign Legion 1939-1945
Editions Heimdal 2000
Stephen Lawrence
Sons of the Desert: Actions of the French Foreign Legion in North Africa, 1890-1925
Boardgame (Complete rules for miniature figures including 11 scenarios)
The Emperor's Press / Old Glory 2000
James W. Ryan
The Last Cartridge : The French Foreign Legion in Mexico
Xlibris Corporation 2000
Nigel Thomas
Foreign Volunteers of the Allies in World War II
Lance-Corporal, French Foreign Legion: 1942
Series: Men at War 1914-1945 (Book 34)
Juan Maria Martinez 2000
Susan Travers
Tomorrow to Be Brave:
A Memoir of the Only Woman Ever to Serve in the French Foreign Legion
London Bantam Press 2000
Large print Anstey, EN: F.A. Thorpe, 2000
Men at War 1914-1945. Lance-Corporal French Foreign Legion 1942.
The Lead Soldier Collection.
Del Prado/Osprey Publishing, Madrid, 2000
Del Prado
Men at War 1914-1945
12/ Legionnaire, 1914
34/ Lance-corporal, French Foreign Legion 1942
79/ Legionnaire: Algeria, 1957
Osprey Publishing 2000
Nenad Ivanković
Warrior - adventurer and general. A biography of Ante Gotovina
Croatian Edition Honos 2001
Robert Penn Warren
Garrison Tales from Tonquin:
An American's Stories of the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam in the 1890s
LSU Press 2001
William F. Coffey
Harvard in the Foreign Legion (Typescript, 11 pages)
Yves Debay
The 2e Rep: French Foreign Legion Paratroopers
Casemate Pub & Book Dist Llc, 2002
Azam Gill
Blood Money
Bewrite Books 2002
Evan McGorman
Life in the French Foreign Legion:
How to Join and What to Expect When You Get There
Midpoint Trade Books Incorporated 2002
Dimitri Drobatschewsky
My father's son
Bridgewood Pr 2003
Chris McNab
Survive in the Desert with the French Foreign Legion
(Elite Forces Survival Guide)
Publisher Mason Crest Publishers 2003
Paul Brown
The Whorehouse of the World:
Tales of Wartime Italy - Casablanca, Algiers and Sicily.
(Some stories about FFL)
Bloomington, Indiana: Author House 2004
Steven Schusler
Brothers in Arms: A Story of the Foreign Legion
PublishAmerica 2004
Tony Sloane
The naked soldier: a true story of the French Foreign Legion
Vision 2004
Tamas Weber (1942-):
The Warrior's Rose
Cedar Hill Publishing 2004
Digital version 2015
Martin Windrow
The last valley: Dien Bien Phu and the French defeat in Vietnam
Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2004.
David Jordan
The History of the French Foreign Legion: From 1831 to Present Day
Lyons Press 2005
Reprint edition: Sterling Publishing 2019 London: Amber Books, 2019
Charles H III Koehler
Legio Patria Nostra:
The History of the French Foreign Legion Since 1962 (eBook)
Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center 2005.
Thesis/Dissertation. Fort Leavenworth, KS: US Army Command and General Staff College, 2005
Print book: BiblioScholar 2012
George Manington; William B Slater; Arthur J Sarl
A soldier of the Legion : an Englishman's adventures under the French flag in Algeria and Tonquin:
European wars series, 13th.
Nashville : The Battery Press ; Silver City [NM]: in association with Articles of War, 2005.
Reprint. Originally published: London: J. Murray, 1907.
"Classic history of the war"--Spine. Limited ed. of 300 copies.
Bill Parris
The Making of a Legionnaire:
My Life in the French Foreign Legion Parachute Regiment
Weidenfeld & Nicolson in 2004, Cassell Guides, 2005
Jaime Salazar
Legion of the Lost:
The True Experience of an American in the French Foreign Legion
Berkley Caliber Book 2005
Dominiquie Vandenberg/Rick Rever
The Iron Circle: The True Life Story of Dominiquie Vandenberg
Volt Press, 2005
Colin Rickards
The Hand of Captain Danjou:
Camerone And the French Foreign Legion in Mexico, 30 April 1863
Crowood Press, Limited, 2005
Douglas Boyd
The French Foreign Legion
Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 2006
Hersham: Ian Allan 2010
Lume Books 2020
Tony Cole
Kepi Blanc. A Novel of the Legion
Tony Cole 2006
Friedrich Glauser (1896-1938):
Bitter Lemon Press, 2006.
Roger Rousseau
The French Foreign Legion in Kolwezi "Broken Promise"
Rexy 2006
Edmund Stawowy
A Call To Arms
Trafford Publishing 2006
Gareth Carins
Diary of a Legionnaire: My Life in the French Foreign Legion
Grosvenor House Publishing Limited 2007
Lars Gyllenhaal/ Lennart Westberg
Swedes at War:
Willing Warriors of a Neutral Nation, 1914-1945
Aberjona Press 2007
Jean-Denis G.G. Lepage
The French Foreign Legion: An Illustrated History
McFarland 2007
Simon Löw
The Boys from Baghdad:
From the Foreign Legion to the Killing Fields of Iraq
Mainstream, 2007
Padraig O'Keeffe/Ralph Riegel
Hidden Soldier:
An Irish Legionnarie’s Wars from Bosnia to Iraq.
O'Brien Press 2007
Nguyên Giáp Võ
Điện Biên Phủ
Hà Nội: Thế Giới Publishers, 2007
John Brenan/ Richard Frost
Fighter! Fighter!
The story of Edward Callander DFM, Croix de Guerre. Hero of two Nations.
Redbek 2008
Peter R. Brumlik
Three Into Nine (Indochinese War)
Baltimore. PublishAmerica 2008.
Inkwater Press 2017
James J. Heaphey
Legerdemain: The President's Secret Plan, The Bomb, And What The French Never Knew.
History Publishing Co LLC 2008
L Ron Hubbard
Hostage to death
Hollywood, CA : Galaxy Press 2008
eAudiobook Galaxy Press 2010
J A Believ
America Star Books 2009/2016
Nicola J. Cooper
The French Foreign Legion (French and Francophone Studies)
University of Wales Press 2009
Adrian D. Gilbert
Voices of the Foreign Legion: The French Foreign Legion in Its Own Words
Mainstream, 2009
Thistle Publishing 2018
Robert Girardi
Gorgeous East
St. Martin's Press 2009.
Voices of the Foreign Legion: The History of the World's Most Famous Fighting Corps
Skyhorse Publishing 2010
Alex Lochrie
Fighting for the French Foreign Legion: Memoirs of a Scottish Legionnaire
Pen & Sword Books Limited, 2009
e.Book. Pen and Sword, 2022
Neil Oliver / Steven Crossley
Amazing tales for making men out of boys.
Chapter about the Demons of Camerone
Recorded Books, Inc. 2009
Ibp Usa
The French Foreign Legion Handbook. Strategic and Practical Information
International Business Publications, USA 2009
Chris Schweizer
Crogan's march
Portland, OR : Oni Press 2009.
Nathan Toulane
Slaves To The Generals
CreateSpace 2010
David Mason
Marching with the Devil:
Legends, Glory and Lies in the French Foreign Legion
Hachette Australia 2010/2011/2017
Blaine Lee Pardoe
Lost Eagles: One Man's Mission to Find Missing Airmen in Two World Wars
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2010
Theodore Roscoe
The Emperor of Doom
Adventure House 2010
Nathan Toulane
Slaves To The Generals
CreateSpace 2010
Martin Windrow
Our Friends Beneath the Sands:
The Foreign Legion in France's Colonial Conquests 1870-1935
Hachette UK, 2010
Martin Windrow
French Foreign Legion, 1872-1914
Osprey 2010
Richard Baker
First A Torch
Ink & Lens, Ltd. 2011
G. H. Bennett
RAF's French Foreign Legion:
De Gaulle, the British and the Re-emergence of French Airpower 1940-45
Continuum International Publishing, 2011
Nicholas Carlson
The Book About The Foreign Legion and The Temple Order 2011
Geoffrey Davison
Long No names on their graves. (Fiction)
Preston : Magna, 2011
Jim Ellis
The Music Room
Jim Ellis Novels 2011
Peter Englund
The beauty and the sorrow: an intimate history of the First World War
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011 / London: Profile 2012
Percy Fookes
From Al-Milah to Fort Saint Nicholas - With the French Foreign Legion from 1969/1970
Amazon Digital Services 2011
Jeremy Lee
Where I'm Bound I Can't Tell 2011
Philip Leibfried
The Films Of The French Foreign Legion
BearManor Media 2011
Eric Meyer
Devil's Guard : The Real Story
Swordwords 2011
Aaron Pery
Comrades at Arms
Aaron Pery 2011
E.C. Tubb
Sands of Destiny. (Also published as Jud Cary 1955)
Linford 2009
Sands of Destiny. A Novel of the French Foreign Legion.
Large print Borgo Press 2011
Martin Windrow/Peter Dennis (Ill.)
French Foreign Legionnaire 1890-1914
Osprey Publishing, 2011
Camillo Adler
I Am A Refugee
CreateSpace 2012
Richard Baker
Dien Bien Phu: a guide for tourists
CreateSpace 2012
Larry W Greenly
Eugene Bullard: world's first Black fighter pilot
Montgomery: Junebug Books 2012
Laura Homan Lacey/ Phd. John W. Brunner
Ortiz: To Live a Man's Life
Phillips Publications 2012
L Ron Hubbard
Hell's legionnaire
Hollywood, CA : Galaxy Press 2012.
Khara Khang
The French Foreign Legion: A Fictional Pre-World War II Adventure Gaming Solo
CreateSpace 2012
Russell Anthony Kelly - Edward Morlae
The Legion in the trenches.
Two accounts of the French Foreign Legion during the First World War.
Leonaur 2012.
Reprint: Originally published as: Kelly of the Foreign legion / Russell A. Kelly. New York : M. Kennerley, 1917.
Reprint: Originally published as: A soldier of the Legion / Edward Morlae. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1916.
Charles H. Koehler
Legio Patria Nostra: The History of the French Foreign Legion Since 1962
BiblioScholar 2012
KH Laemmermann
French Foreign Legion History
KH Laemmermann/ 2012
Gordon Landsborough
Back to the Legion
Leicester: Thorpe, 2012.
Renegade legionnaire
Leicester: Thorpe, 2012.
Large print Leicester: Thorpe, 2012.
J. R. Lawrence
My Camp: Life in the French Foreign Legion
Independently published 2012
Mark Morgan
Legionnaire Mackenzie Harmony in Modern Warfare.
Kindle Edition (eBook) Mark Morgan 2012
Blaine Lee Pardoe
The Bad Boy: Bert Hall: Aviator and Mercenary of the Skies
Fonthill, 2012
Theodore Roscoe
The Complete Adventures of Thibaut Corday and the Foreign Legion.
1/ Better Than Bullets
2/ Toughest in the Legion
3/ The Kid and the Cutthroats
4/ The Heads of Sergeant Baptiste
Altus Press 2012
<Vortious Custom Accessories
Jesse Russell/Ronald Cohn
Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion
VSD 2012
Maurice de Saint Victor
The Conquest and Pacification of Tonkin (1871-1897)
CreateSpace 2012
Richard Baker
Cao Bang. Brothers in Arms.
Createspace, US 2013
Max Boot
Invisible Armies:
An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present
Liveright 2013
J. C. Bourg (Indochina 1950s)
The Man Who Walked Out of Isabelle
Three Greyhounds 2013
Louise M. Gouge
Escape from Kikwit
Louise M. Gouge 2013
Michael Kaponya
The French Foreign Legion and Indochina in Retrospect
Tate Publishing Enterprises 2013
Graeme Kent
On The Run: A History of Deserters and Desertion
Robson Press 2013
David King/Paul Rich
The French Foreign Legion: David King's Ten Thousand Shall Fall
Westphalia Press 2013
David Morrell
My Name is Legion
David Morrell Enterprises 2013
SJ Parkinson
The Legionnaire: Origins
The Legionnaire: Mask of the Pharaoh
The Legionnaire: Vendetta of Shadows
(The Legionnaire Series)
SJ Parkinson 2013
Dominic Selwood
The sword of Moses
Corax 2013
Camillo Adler
I Am A Refugee
E-book 2014
Martin Archer
Peace and Conflict
[email protected] 2014
Ricky Balona
Steele's Dien Bien Phu
Ricky Balona 2014
Jack Du Brul
River of ruin
New York: Onyx, 2014
Tim Champlin
The Survivor
Tim Champlin 2014
Ian Colquhoun
Le Boudin: The Demons of Camerone 2014
Chris Dickon
Americans at War in Foreign Forces. A History, 1914–1945
McFarland 2014
Jacqueline A. Granström:
Escape from the Legion.
(About Tom, a Swedish legionnaire in 1970s.)
Publisher Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency (SBPRA) 2014
Brian Grant
In the darkness of tomorrow.
Kindle Edition (eBook). Rossendale Books 2014
Raymond Guyader
The French Foreign Legion in Indochina, 1946-1956:
Schiffer Publishing (15 Jun 2014)
P. Howard (Jenõ Rejtõ)
The Frontier Garrison
Samuel Hynes
The Unsubstantial Air. American Fliers in the First World War
Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2014
David Mason
Walk Across Australia: The First Solo Crossing
Rosenberg Publishing 2014
George F. Nafziger (Translator)
French Foreign Legion; 3rd March Regiment World War I.
(Could be translated from Historique du régiment de marche de la légion étrangère: 3° régiment étranger d'infanterie by René Doumic, Berger-Levrault, 1923)
The Nafziger Collection 2014
LTC Patrick W. Shull
The Battle of Dien Bien Phu: Strategic, Operational and Tactical Failure
U.S. Army War College 2014
Alec Slang
Last Known: Ottakring
Alec Slang 2014
Fay Spurgin
Matthew and the Foreign Legion
Fay Spurgin 2014
Milorad Ulemek
Legionnaire (1980s)
Createspace Independent Pub 2014
Kirby Williams
Rage in Paris: a novel
Wainscott, N.Y.: Pushcart Press, 2014
H Ernest Coffman
The Legionnaire: Cries Unheard
Createspace 2014
The Legionnaire - Bioterrorist 1997
Createspace 2015
The Legionnaire - Cries in the Dark
Createspace 2015
The Legionnaire - Forbidden Eden
Createspace 2016
Richard Baker
Siege At Dien Bien Phu
CreateSpace 2015
Ricky Balona
By Blood Spilt. Steele's Verdun
Ricky Balona 2015
Charles Bracelen Flood
First to fly: the story of the Lafayette Escadrille,
the American heroes who flew for France in World War I
New York: Atlantic Monthly, 2015.
eAudiobook Tantor Media, Inc. 2015
Nicholas Carlson (Pen name)
The Book About The Temple Order - About The Foreign Legion
CreateSpace 2015
Blaise Cendrars
The bloody hand
Vagamundo 2015
H. Ernest Coffman
The Legionnaire: Cries in the Dark
H. Ernest Coffman 2015
Laura Florand
All for you
Laura Florand, 2015
Major Paul Grauwin
Doctor At Dien-Bien-Phu. eBook
Pickle Partners Publishing, 2015.
Barbara Javor
Antoine (Personal Memoirs)
Createspace {CRSPC} 2015
Sarita Mandanna
Good Hope Road
London : Orion Publishing Co , 2015
Paul Martelli; Vittorino Dal Cengio
On the devil's tail : in combat with the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front 1945,
and with the French in Indochina 1951-54
Helion & Company 2015
eAudiobook: Old Saybrook, Conn.: Tantor Media, 2018
Alexander Mikaberidze
"With Honor and Fidelity":
Life and Career of Colonel Nicolas Tokhadze of the French Foreign Legion 2015
Béatrice Richard
La Grande Guerre de Paul Caron : Chroniques d'un légionnaire canadien-français (1914-1917).
Language: English
Québec : Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 2015
Theodore Roscoe
Thibaut Corday of the Foreign Legion 1 The Death Watch
Thibaut Corday of the Foreign Legion 2 The Bearded Slayer
Audiobook read by Roy Worley.
Radio Archives 2015
Charles M. Schulz
Peanuts: The Snoopy Special, Issue 1
Marblehead : KaBOOM!, 2015
Chris Schweizer
Last of the legion (Comic book)
Portland, OR : Oni Press, 2015.
Alexander Stilwell
Ultimate Military Fitness: Workout Challenges of the Armed Forces
Quid Publishing 2015
Mikaela Sundberg
A Sociology of the Total Organization: Atomistic Unity in the French Foreign Legion
Ashgate 2015
Myra C. van der Velde
Wanderings of a Legionnaire: Tales of a Young Recruit in the French Foreign Legion
America Star Books 2015
L A Witt
No place that far
Macon : Samhain Publishing, 2015
P. C. Wren
BEAU GESTE--Complete Collection : Beau Geste, Beau Sabreur & Beau Ideal TRILOGY + Good Gestes--Stories of Beau Geste, His Brothers and Their Comrades in the French Foreign Legion: Adventure Classics from the Author of Stories of the Foreign Legion, The Wages of Virtue, Cupid in Africa, The Young Stagers, Dew.
Frankfurt am Main : e-artnow, 2015.
Audiobook on CD. Blackstone Audio 2013
Richard Baker
(Siege at Dien Bien Phu)
Chance Encounters
Death and Resurrection in the Highlands
The Mirror Reflects Itself
The Passions of War
Waking to Nightmare
CreateSpace 2016
Ricky Balona
By Blood Spilt - Steele's Death March.
Ricky Balona 2016
Douglas Boyd
The Honour and the Glory
CreateSpace 2016
The Truth and the Lies
CreateSpace 2016
Paul Fraser Collard
The last legionnaire
London: Headline, 2016.
Richard A. M. Dixon
The Tiger of Dien Bien Phu
Merriam Press 2016
Allan Durand
Path of the Candidate: Engaging With The French Foreign Legion
CreateSpace 2016
David Hanna
Rendezvous with Death:
The Americans Who Joined the Foreign Legion in 1914 to Fight for France and for Civilization
Regnery History 2016
Audiobook on CD: Old Saybrook,: Tantor Audio, 2016
T B Murphy
Kiffin Rockwell, the Lafayette Escadrille and the birth of the United States Air Force
Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2016.
Paul De Pierres
À moi la Légion!
Australians in the French Foreign Legion
Wyalkatchem, WA Paul de Pierres, 2016
Steven A, Ruffin
Lafayette escadrille : a photo history of the first american fighter squadron.
Casemate 2016
Martin Windrow/Gerry Embleton
French Foreign Legion 1831-71
Osprey Pub Co 2016.
H. Bedford-Jones
Warriors in Exile
17 separate stories from 1937 - 1938
Altus Press 2017
Jean-Vincent Blanchard
At the Edge of the World: The Heroic Century of the French Foreign Legion.
Bloomsbury 2017
eAudiobook: Old Saybrook, Conn. : Tantor Media, 2017
J. R. Lawrence,
My Camp: Life in the French Foreign Legion
Independently Published 2017
Laura Florand
A kiss in lavender
US: Laura Florand, San Bernardino 2017
Edward M. Grant
Rebellion Legionnaire # 1
Kindle Worlds 2017
David Hardy
Code of the legion
Tall Grass Press 2017
Nick Hughes (a former French Foreign Legionnaire)
How To Be Your Own Bodyguard: Self Defense for men & women from a lifetime of protecting clients in hostile environments.
Nick Hughes 2017
Brynn Kelly
Deception island
Don Mills, Ontario, Canada : Harlequin HQN, 2017
Margitta Maud
Out of Darkness
FriesenPress 2017
Charley Roberts/Charles P. Hess
Charles Sweeny, the Man Who Inspired Hemingway
McFarland 2017
Jim Wedlake
The Reluctant Legionnaire
Jim Wedlake 2017
P. C. Wren
Adventure Novels & Tales from the Foreign Legion:
Adventure Classics - including The Wages of Virtue, Cupid in Africa, Stepsons of France, Snake and Sword, Driftwood Spare & Biographical Stories of the French Foreign Legion.
Musaicum Books 2017
Ricky Balona
French Foreign Legion Adventures
Ricky Balona Author Page 2018
Kevin Boylan, Luc Olivier
Valley of the Shadow. The Siege of Dien Bien Phu
Osprey Publishing, 2018
: A South African Breaks Out of the French Foreign Legion, Cheats Death, and Finds Peace. Independently published 2018
George D'Esparbes
The French Foreign Legion.
(French book, originally published in 1901)
Independently published 2018
Thomas Gast
French Foreign Legion for Beginners A handbook for potential candidates of the Légion étrangère
Norderstedt Books on Demand 2018
David Hardy
Outlaws of the Legion
Tall Grass Press 2018
John-Paul Jordan
Joys of War: From the Foreign Legion, the SAS and into Hell with PTSD
Pen and Sword Military 2018, 2020
Daniel Kowalczuk
Operations ‘Leopard’ and ‘Red Bean’ - Kolwezi 1978.
French and Belgian intervention in Zaire
Helion and Company November 2018
Susan Pattie
The Armenian Legionnaires: Sacrifice and Betrayal in World War I
London I.B. Tauris 2018.
Computer file Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.
John Robb
American legionnaire (Large print)
Leicester: Linford, 2018.
Charles M Schulz
Peanuts family cookbook: delicious dishes for kids to make with their favorite grown-ups. (French Foreign Legion Toast)
San Francisco: Weldon Owen, a division of Bonnier Publishing 2018
Keith Y.C Ting
The French Foreign Legion: And Their Untold Stories of Bravery and Patriotism.
Amazon Digital Services LLC 2018
Martin Windrow; Johnny Shumate (Illustrator)
French foreign legionnaire vs Viet Minh insurgent : North Vietnam 1948-52
Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2018. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2018
John Broich
Blood, Oil and the Axis:
The Allied Resistance Against a Fascist State in Iraq and the Levant, 1941
The Overlook Press, (April 2019.)
Phil Keith; Tom Clavin; James Shippy
All blood runs red : the legendary life of Eugene Bullard--boxer, pilot, soldier, spy.
Audiobook on CD
Don Mills, Ontario, Canada: Harlequin Audio, 2019
Fran Lucca
Escape to Nowhere: To Be the Only Yank Ever to Escape from the French Foreign Legion. (Ron Reynolds)
Iuniverse Inc 2019.
Aodh Macky
Cockroaches in head. From legendary insanity to absolute truth
Rotorua, New Zealand, Avonova, 2019
Meyer & Meyer
Krav Maga Effective Techniques for Self-Defense.
Berkshire Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd. 2019
Andrew Mitchell
The Tigers of Tonkin. The History of the French Foreign Legion in Indochina 1883-1945. 2019
Dominic Oto
The Warriors: The French Foreign Legion Services LLC 2019
Joel Struthers
APPEL: A canadian in the french foreign legion.
Wilfrid Laurier Univ PR, (March 2019.)
Steven T Tom
First to Fight: an american volunteer in the french foreign legion and the lafayette... escadrille in world war i.
Mark M. Trapp
A Destiny of Undying Greatness: Kiffin Rockwell and the Boys Who Remembered Lafayette.
System D Publishing 2019
Richard Trevino Jr
Legion: A Texan's Adventure in the French Foreign Legion
Christian Faith Publishing, Inc 2019
David Gilman
The Englishman
(The first book in the Raglan series, Raglan was a soldier in the French Foreign Legion)
Head of Zeus 2020
e-Book. Head of Zeus, London, 2022
John Grant
Abbott and Costello: Costello joins the Foreign Legion
Dreamscape Media, 2020.
Mitchell Andrew J.
A Pictorial History of the French Foreign Legion in Indochina.
Blurb, Incorporated,. 2020
John Robb
Black Legion
Large print
Leicester: Thorpe, Linford, 2020
Peter A. R. Surtees
Save Your Last Bullet
Life, Death and Survival in the Foreign Legion
Grosvenor House Publishing 2020
Bedros Haroian/Gillisann Harootunian/Fatma Müge Göcek
Memoirs of a soldier about the days of tragedy.
(Bedros Haroian joins the French Foreign Legion's auxiliary unit of Armenian Legionnaires)
Fresno, California. Tadem Press, 2021
e-Book.BookBaby, Cork, 2022
John J. Jacobson
All the cowboys ain't gone
Ashland, OR: Blackstone 2021
Peter Hoskins
A legion para in Algeria : Tony Hunter-Choat's war, 1957-62
Helion & Company, Warwick, England, 2022
IRB Media
Summary of Alex Lochrie's Fighting for the French Foreign Legion
e-Book, IRB, US, 2022
Nils Elmark
Fighting for the French Foreign Legion:
Americans Who Joined the First World War in 1914
Pen & Sword Military 2023
Richard P Jeynes
Line in the Sand: Foreign Legion Forts and Fortifications in Morocco 1900 - 1926
Helion and Company 2023
N. J. Valldejuli
Inside the French Foreign Legion Adventures with the World's Most Famous Fighting Force.
Stackpole Books, Blue Ridge Summit, 2023. E-book 2023
Print book Stackpole Books, Essex, CT, 2024
From The New York Review of Books,
October 14, 2010
The Hard Truth About the Foreign Legion,
by Max Hastings